Chapter 7

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"Can I please come with you guys? I'm so bored and Dylan's probably going to complain to me. Please take me with you" Austin pleaded and I groaned.

"Austin you know I love you. Probably more than Dylan right now, but nope" I said and Austin groaned.

"Why not?" he whined.

"Thats why because you're whining" I said grabbing my phone and heading out the door. Tyler was standing by his car waiting for me.

"Tyler can I come with you guys?" Austin asked with a cheesy smile and Tyler shrugged.

"I mean I don't care but that's up to your sister" he said and I smiled.

"Nope" I said opening the car door.

"Why not? He obviously wants to spend time with you. Why can't he come? I could get to know him better too" Tyler smiled almost the same cheesy smile Austin had on his face.

I sighed and looked between the two boys.

"But I thought we were going to dinner?" I asked Tyler.

"He can come if he wants" Tyler shrugged and I groaned and threw my head back.

"Fine hurry up and get your stuff" I said and Austin smiled.

"Can I spend the night at your apartment?" he asked with a hopeful look in his eyes. I had to admit I haven't seen that look on Austin's face since he was about six, so I thought it was kind of adorable, and I haven't said that about Austin since he was six which was about ten years ago.

"Sure" I shrugged. He smiled and ran inside coming back out with a bag full of clothes about a minute later. "Did you already have that packed?" I laughed as he jumped in the back seat.

"Yeah, it was just in case I ever spent the night. I would never have to keep you waiting" he smiled as I turned around to look at him in the back seat. Tyler began the drive to my new apartment as we all talked.

"I feel like you're going to spend the night a lot so you can just leave your stuff with me I guess" I sighed thinking about how Austin is going to use my new place to his advantage.

"I was going to anyways" he said and I rolled my eyes.

"You know you're sixteen nothing is going to get handed to you like they used too" I said raising an eyebrow.

"You know..." Austin said trying to think of a comeback but he couldn't.

"Ha" I said sticking my tongue out at him and turning around.

"You guys act like you're five" Tyler chuckled.

"Hey don't start with this, you're the one who wanted him to come" I said turning to look out the window.

"Hey I'm still back here I can hear you" Austin said and I shrugged.

"Shut up" I said and I saw him cross his arms over his chest.

"Well damn" he said pulling his phone out of his pocket and playing with it.


We've been at my new apartment for a few minutes now. I've started unpacking a few boxes while the boys bring them in. Having Austin here payed off on Tyler's part since he didn't have to bring them all in alone, but if Austin weren't here I would have helped.

I texted Amber and told her I've started moving in, and she replied saying she will hopefully be moving in next weekend at the latest. I was glad Austin was spending the night tonight, because I think I would be too afraid to be in here alone. The next few nights until Amber gets here I'll probably have Tyler spend the night, or I'll sleep at his place. Austin can't sleep over after tonight because tomorrow is Sunday, so he will have school the next day.

"Macy" Austin said throwing a pillow at me.

"What the hell?" I asked throwing it back at him, but he was prepared and he caught it.

"We were talking to you but you were spaced out" Austin said and I sighed.

"My bad" I said standing up and sitting on the couch. "When are we going to dinner? I'm hungry" I asked looking up at Tyler.

"We can go whenever you're ready" he shrugged and I looked down at my sweats.

"Let me change and then we can go" I said getting up and going to my new room and looking through my box of clothes. I picked out a pair of light wash blue skinny jeans, a blue lace cami tank top, with a pair of galaxy converse shoes. Since my hair was already straightened I grabbed my red bandana headband and put that on.

I walked out into the room and Tyler looked up at me and smiled. Austin was doing something on his phone so I took this as my chance to get back at him. I picked up the pillow and threw it at him knocking his phone out of his hands. He looked up at me and glared as I smiled sweetly down at him as if I did nothing wrong.

"Ready?" Tyler asked before anything could start. I nodded and grabbed his hand as we walked out the door with Austin in front of us. He crawled in the backseat and we headed to Red Robin for dinner.

We walked in and asked for a table for three, and there was a ten minute wait. We sat down on the benches they had and talked. When our name was called we were taken back to a booth.

"Austin" I heard an all too familiar voice say. I groaned and put my head on Tyler's shoulder for a second before looking up.

"Oh hey Dylan" Austin said not looking up from his menu.

"Why did you go with them?" Dylan asked not even looking at Tyler and I, but I didn't care, he could act like a child all he wanted.

"To be honest Dylan, I didn't want to sit at home with you and listen to you complain" Austin said simply looking up at Dylan.

"Okay so you're taking her side in this?" Dylan asked and I looked up at Tyler confused at what Dylan said.

"There no sides in this Dylan" Austin laughed lightly "And if there were, I would take Macy's side because she's not acting like a little bitch. She's being an adult about this which she is, you guys are twenty one, start being an adult Dylan" Austin said and I smiled.

Dylan didn't say a word after that. He nodded and turned around and walked away.

"Wow Austin I didn't know you had that in you" Tyler laughed.

"I didn't either" Austin laughed as well looking over to me.

"I knew I loved you for some reason" I joked with Austin and he narrowed his eyes at me, trying to be serious but he failed when the corners of his mouth turned up into a small smile.

"Love you too" he said looking down at his menu again.

We ordered our food and continued to make small talk through the whole dinner. Dylan and Julia had to walk past our table to get to the door, and Dylan ignored us like we weren't even there. I didn't care because if he was going to act like a child, I'll let him, I'm not going to act like a baby. When he wants to talk about what he did, then I'll talk, but otherwise we just won't talk.

"We should watch a movie tonight Mace" Austin said as we got in the car. I smiled at the use or my nickname, since Austin turned ten he thought it wasn't cool to call me by my nickname so he stopped.

"Sure I don't care, we can do what you want" I shrugged. The drive back to the apartment was silent except for the radio. Getting back to the apartment Austin and I changed into more comfortable clothes and then I joined Tyler on the couch snuggling into his side. Austin grabbed a few pillows and a few blankets and set them up on the floor in front of the couch. He put the pillows behind his back and sat up against the side of the couch. Once we were all settled in, I pressed play and "Divergent" started.

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