Lies: Book 2 in the Secrets Series

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Dad new something was up. When I'd gotten home Saturday morning I locked myself in my room. The only reason I was coming out now was because all the meals I'd missed had finally caught up with me. It's funny how learning you were used for your powers that you didn't want in the first place, could make you forget about something as important as food.

Creeping out into the hallway I tuned my ears for sounds of Dad. The eerie glow of the TV cast shadows on the dark hallway walls. I made it to the bottom of the stairs when I discovered Dad was fast asleep on the couch while Sunday Night football was blaring at a high volume.

Ditching my stealth moves I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a slice of cold pizza from the box on the table and put it into the microwave. I caught my reflection in the window and shuddered. I looked absolutely horrible. My eyes were puffy, my nose red, and my lack of a shower showed in my hair.
While the pizza warmed, I spotted a stack of books on the table. Dad never read, except for those single parenting books. I remember when I was thirteen and he read me the whole 'My daughter's going through puberty' book.

I should have guessed, 'Is My Daughter Ready to Date' 'Raising a Teenager By Myself' and the last one had more of a breath stolen from my lungs sort of effect, 'Signs of Depression.'
He thought I was depressed?

I wasn't depressed.

Was I?

The microwave dinged, alerting me that my food was ready and I nearly dropped the book in surprise. My hands were shaking. I wasn't depressed; there was nothing wrong with me. If anybody else was told that they were going to be killed after they were led on to believe they were special, they'd be a little sad too, especially if the people who told them were Vampires. Real, blood sucking, red eyed, crazy, God forbidding Vampires.

I grabbed my pizza and turned to go back to my room. As I past the living room I noticed that the TV was off and Dad was standing next to the stairs. I couldn't see him too clearly in the dark, but I knew his eyes were on me.

I debated using magic to erase his memory of seeing me, but sometime between crying myself to sleep and restarting my Coldplay playlist I had come to the realization that magic was the root of all my problems. And if I refused to acknowledge that part of my life then everything would go back to normal.

I stopped in front of him and he ran a weary hand over his face. He took a deep breath and released it slowly before saying, "What am I supposed to do? Because honestly, I have no idea."
I swallowed past the lump in my throat and continued to stare up at him. He had no idea what he was supposed to do? Well neither did I. What I wanted was for him to leave me to my own devices, but that wasn't what I needed.

What I needed was for him to be the parent. Not just my loose ruled, parenting book reading, takeout paying Dad. He was someone like a friend, we bounded over lose and found similar interests. He'd get a mercy pass in parenting and I could never tell him because he was trying his best. I couldn't hurt him because he'd already been hurt by someone he loves.

Taking I steadying breath I forced my tears to stay behind the rims of my eyes. "Just be here for a while." My voice was raspy from all my crying.

Without another word he pulled me into a fatherly embrace. He smelt like he always did; cheap leather, aftershave, and possibly a bit of alcohol. But I was willing to ignore that last one for now.
After a minute he spoke again, "So which one should I use on Jagger; my rifle or handgun." I laughed into his shirt, God it felt good to laugh.

"I vote rifle." I whispered and he chuckled.

"That's my girl." He said into my messy hair.

I never wanted to tell him more than I did in that moment about the fact that I was Witch, and so was Mom, and that's why she was dead. But I bit my tongue until the taste of old penny's flooded my mouth. One day, but today was not not that day.

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