Chapter 2 - Thorin Oakenshield

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Everyone slowly got up and went to the door. Vanáezae stuck to the shadows and followed. Gandalf opened the door and there stood the one and only, Thorin Oakenshield.

"Gandalf," Thorin greeted, "I thought you said this place would be easy to find. I lost my way, twice. Wouldn't have found it at all if it weren't for that mark on the door."

"Mark? There's no mark on that door. It was painted a week ago!" Bilbo denied.

"There is a mark I put it there myself," Gandalf explained. He turned, quickly glancing at Vanáezae and looked at Bilbo. "Bilbo Baggins, may I introduce, the leader of our company. Thorin Oakenshield," he said, gesturing to Thorin.

"So," Thorin handed his coat to a near dwarf, "this is the hobbit. Tell me master Baggins, have you done much fighting?" Thorin walked up to Bilbo and started to slowly circle around him. Sizing him up, Vanáezae realised. He stopped in front of Bilbo.

"Pardon?" Bilbo asked.

This hobbit has no idea what he's in for, Vanáezae mused. Orcs, goblins, wargs, dragons, elves, giant bears. At the thought of orcs and wargs Vanáezae pulled up her hood. They made her uncomfortable.

"...Now, I have brought another person to this house," Gandalf said. Great, she was singled out.

"Who?" Thorin demanded, "We did not agree on another member."

"Oh you'll just have to trust me," the Wizard answered.

"Fine. Who is this other person, and where are they?" Thorin growled.

Gandalf slightly motioned Vanáezae to come forward out of the shadows. She walked forward, making sure her hood covered my face. Every pair of eyes were on her as Vanáezae walked towards the dwarf.

"Who are you?" Thorin asked.

"That is for me to know, and you to never find out," Vanáezae answered.

Thorin raised an eyebrow. The next thing Vanáezae knew her hood was thrown back showing her elven features. Her green eyes glared at the dwarf and her hair was put up in a braid. Many gasps were heard throughout the room.

''Happy now?" Vanáezae asked, folding her arms.

"An elf? Gandalf, I will not being an elf, on this quest! Much less a woman! These elves abandoned us!" Thorin said, spitting out the world elf as if it were a disgrace.

"Hey!" Vanáezae shouted at Thorin, "This elf has a name you know! And you know what? Gandalf wanted me to come so I did. But I am no where close to the elves that abandoned you, son of Thrain!"

Everyone was now staring at her in shock. No one raised their voice at Thorin. Even Gandalf was surprised. Only a little though. He knew how headstrong she could be. Vanáezae quickly walked to the door and went outside to get fresh air. The first day of the quest hadn't even started yet, and she was already fed up with Thorin. Vanáezae walked up to the tree on top of Bilbo's house, and climbed it. Sitting on one of the high branches. Nicely handled. Let's rage shift and set everyone against you. It wouldn't be the first time, her thoughts taunted.

Bilbo's door opened. Vanáezae looked down from the tree to see Kili walking out. He looked around, seeming to be looking for something or someone. Gandalf must have sent him out here to get her. After seconds of Kili trying to find her he gave up and walked to sit beneath the tree Vanáezae sat upon.

"Have you given up that easily?" Vanáezae teased Kili, making him jump and look up at her.

"Will you come down here?" Kili asked.

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