Chapter 8 - Goblin Town

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Vanáezae's eyes snapped open at the sound of hushed whispering. Only two voices were speaking, Bofur and Bilbo. She sat up and looked at them, listening to their conversation. One she had heard too many times.

"You're homesick, I understand," Bofur tried to comfort Bilbo.

"No you don't, you don't understand! None of you do you're dwarves! You're used to-to this life. To living on the road, never sticking in one place not belonging anywhere!" Bilbo said, quickly realising what he said.

She could see Bofur look down in slight hurt.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't," Bilbo cleared his throat.

Bofur looked back up to Bilbo, "No you're right," he looked around at the company. Seeing that Vanáezae was awake and listening. "We don't belong anywhere."

Vanáezae could hear a slight disappointed sigh come from Thorin. He was listening as well. Vanadessë suddenly sat up and walked over to Bofur and Bilbo, Vanáezae's eyes following her questionably.

"That's not true Bofur," Vanadessë said.

Thorin shifted slightly so he was looking at her but no one noticed.

"It is true miss Vanadessë. We don't belong anywhere," Bofur turned his attention to his friend.

"You belong with your family and friends. There's a saying where I come from, and that is, 'Home is where the heart is.'"

A silence fell over them and all we could hear is the snoring from Bombur.

"I wish you luck on your journey Bilbo," said Vanadessë.

Bilbo nodded thanks to her and began walking out of the cave when something caught Bofur's eye. A dim blue light.

"What's that?" Bofur nodded to Bilbo's sword.

Bilbo stopped and turned to look at him. He followed Bofur's gaze to his sword and slowly unsheathed his sword. A horrified expression came upon Vanadessë's face and Vanáezae's. A low rumbling could be heard from beneath the company. Vanáezae could see Thorin looking down to the ground as the sand beneath them seeped into cracks.

"Wake up! Wake up!" Thorin roared.

At the sound of his command the dwarves began arousing. But it was too late. The floor fell from beneath then and they fell with it. Vanáezae slammed into the corners and slid painfully down the chute. She landed with a thud in what seemed to be a giant cage made from rotting bones. She instantly knew where they were. Goblin Town.

Vanáezae tried to get up but Vanadessë slammed down onto her back, along with the rest of the company. Vanáezae groaned and became still as Bombur's weight landed on them. The weight upon her made her squeak. She'd never squeaked before! Not till now that is.

The dwarves seemed to realize they were squishing Vanáezae and Vanadessë and immediately got off the two. Some helped them up while the others tried to recuperate. Vanáezae heard the sound of clicking and the shrieking of goblins in the distance. Vanadessë looked gave her friend a look full of disdain.

Vanáezae quickly grabbed her daggers and hid them in her boots. Her bow and quiver was left with the rest of the stuff that didn't fall down the whole. Luckily, she still had her sword. Vanadessë did the same with her twin knives, hiding them in her boots and looked fearfully at the goblins.

The horde of goblins suddenly hit them, dragging them from the cage they landed in. The goblins crawled in a frenzy to reach the company, grabbing them roughly and shoving them along. One grabbed Vanáezae and she snarled and punched the disgusting creature. More of them grabbed her and shoved her along with the others. One of them slapped Kili upside the head and began fighting them. Vanáezae snarled and threw some of the goblins holding her over the edge. She began to kick, slap, and punch any Goblin that came between her and Kili. The goblins took a hint and didn't go between them.

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