Chapter 4 - Some Surprise

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Vanáezae awoke the next morning next to the now dead fire. She sat up and looked around. It was almost dawn and it looked like it might rain. Standing she looked closely at the clouds. Something wasn't right, she could feel it. Something is going to happen soon. Vanáezae shook her head and went to wake up the rest of the company. But someone was missing. Gandalf. He was gone and his horse too. He's not supposed to leave until later when they got to the trolls. Her thoughts started screaming 'wrong!'

"Where's Gandalf?" She asked aloud.

"He went to see something," Balin answered. "He said to tell you to follow the trail back three miles. Something about a new arrival?" Balin trailed off as if to ask what it meant.

Vanáezae stilled and she stopped packing her things. Of course, that was it! A person she knew what supposed to come with her through all of this! How could she have forgotten?

"Are you okay?"

She jumped at the voice. Vanáezae looked behind her and saw Kili.

"I have to go," Vanáezae hurriedly said, shoving the remaining items into her bag and putting it on her horse.

"Where are you going?" Thorin demanded, walking up to the pair.

By now, all of the company had their eyes on Vanáezae. Why wouldn't they? She was packing her stuff so fast it made Bombur dizzy.

"Gandalf needs me," she answered, tightening her saddle straps. "I'll be back soon. If we're not back before dawn, leave without us. We'll catch up."

Thorin grunted and went back to what he was doing.

"Be careful Vanáezae," Kili said.

"I will be," she assured, riding into the forest.

Vanáezae rode as fast as she could. Some low tree branches smacked her face leaving scratches. She rode so fast she almost ran into Gandalf on his horse. Vanáezae had to veer left and avoid the collision, almost making her horse fall over in the process. Slowing down to a trot, she turned her horse around and went up to Gandalf.

"There you are," Gandalf sighed, as Vanáezae rode up next to him.

"What is it? What happened?" She asked worriedly.

Gandalf moved his cloak back to reveal a woman. Probably no more than 17. Vanáezae gasped, at a loss for words. Who was she?

"Lady Galadriel alerted me of her. My Lady said that she might be from your world," Gandalf said, turning the unconscious woman towards Vanáezae.

Looking closer she seemed to be wearing clothes from Earth. She had tanned skin and long golden brown hair. But one thing stood out. Her ears were pointed. She was an elf!

"Gandalf. Look, her ears," Vanáezae pointed.

Gandalf nodded, "I know. She is an elf. How? I have no idea. But we must be going. Thorin will have left by now. Here, take her."

He passed her the woman and Vanáezae wrapped the unconscious woman in her black cloak. Thunder sounded above them. The woman was already unconscious, she didn't need a cold when she woke up as well. Gandalf nudged his horse forward and Vanáezae followed after him, keeping a tight hold of the woman. The three would surely catch up to the others soon.

They caught up alright, but not before it started raining. It was straight out pouring when they found them. It took Vanáezae's horse a little bit longer to catch up with the extra weight. But not too long. When Vanáezae rode up to them all heads turned towards her and the unconscious woman in her arms.

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