Box Cutter

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      Fynr'ir just brushed right past me. What in the world was she doing here? She wasn't suppose to be here... Better yet, why was she ignoring me?

      "Fynr'ir?" I call, but once more, all I got was the ignoring of the beautiful creature, no, she was human now, and just brushed past me. She had something in her hand. It looked like a small whiskey-bottle-opener, though I wasn't sure. I continued to look at her, feeling rejected and just continuing to ponder why she was even here.

      "Fynr'ir?" I try again. Again, no reponse. Though surprisingly enough, Fynr'ir clicked what looked like a whiskey-bottle opener, but was not, rather a box cutter, and began to stab at something that was not there. What was wrong with her? I had never seen Fynr'ir violent like that... Ever. 

      I continued to stare at her, my heart racing at a high veolcity, stepping back as I watched her stab the air. My vision faltered, and soon I was in the forest again... And Fynr'rir wasn't stabbing the air- she was stabbing a creature! Slitting it's throat- blood going everywhere. I was revolted at the sight. Why was she doing that? I remember Fynr'ir as a sweet girl who'd never harm a fly.

      Turns out I was wrong, and blood splattered, plasma staining the beautiful grass, the smell of putrid red fluids going to my nose and making my vision go blurry. Flesh tore- blood spilt, and even as the creature was already dead, Fynr'ir continued to stab at it... Stabbing at a lifeless body, as if making sure it was completely dead.

      Fynr'ir's beautiful dress was stained red, splatters of plasma all over her legs and the hem of her dress. Fury in her eyes, her blank eyes that used to be blue, but was nothing more but like the sky. The blank sky that saddened me so. Fynr'ir looked so vicious... Did I make her that way? 

      She continued to stab at the body, and after a few minutes she finally stopped, breathing hard as she muttered under her breath,

      "That's what you get, you filthy horrid depressed creature." her voice had no warmth to it as she gazed down at the creature's lifeless body, stabs everywhere from the sharp cut of a box cutter. I had never seen such a horrid scene of murder... I didn't even realize I was on the ground, sprawled, staring at Fynr'ir with scared eyes.

      We were there for who knows how long... Soon enough though, Fynr'ir's eyes turned to me, I was on the ground, in a very vulnerable position. I knew my fate... I was going to die.

      "You see, Floyd? You see what you did to these horrid creatures?" she whispered, her face emotionless as she talked to me. I didn't understand her words, but she was already fading away, Fynr'ir, her unmoving body just fading away along with the forest, and finally the lifeless creature stained with blood. I didn't realize how horrid I acted in the forest.

      I began to ponder... Was Fynr'ir resembling me? Was that even real? And what was up with that box cutter? I had never ever used a blade- I gasped... I had used a box cutter before... It was the type of blade I used to kill Fonr'ir... so long ago. I didn't realize that that same lifeless body was Fonr'ir too- Fynr'ir was stabbing at her, no emotion present on her pale face... I realized my mind was trying to talk to me.


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