"Guy's Rose", Ch. 27: Little Guy Arrives at the Palace, 10/20/12 Gratiana

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 “Guy’s Rose”, Ch. 27:   Little Guy Arrives at the Palace, 10/20/12 Gratiana

An Original Fan Fiction Script Story Adaptation of the BBC’s “Robin Hood, Series 3”

                           (no copyright infringement is intended; all rights reserved)

                                                   [(1abc) “Guy’s Rose” story graphic]

While Lady Roseanna attended to her tearful farewells with her secret husband, Sir Guy, before he left on his mission to kill Robin Hood, Fr. Bale was making his way into London and about an hour after arriving, to the Middleton apartments in the palace.  He is not alone.  As promised, Fr. Bale has retrieved and brought with him Seth, Sir Guy’s child by the Nottingham Castle serving girl  Annie.  But Seth would not be parted from his black smith’s family let alone his  mother for the last year and a half, Colleen the black smith’s wife.  So after much histrionics by Seth--then soothingly calmed by his mother Colleen--the three of them and their escort of guards journeyed for a day and now find themselves in London’s Royal Palace.

After returning to her apartments when Sir Guy left for his mission, the weeping Lady Roseanna lay distraught across her husband’s bed--drinking in the smell of his scent from the finer clothes he left behind.  Eventually, she falls into a fitful sleep.  But, Bessie [(2) right] awakens her after about an hour because of the visitors that have come.

Bessie:  “My Lady Roseanna, Fr. Bale has arrived and says he brings you news.”  She looks at her mistress quizzically.  “And he twern’t alone.”

Lady Roseanna:  Waking up and realizing that Seth is here, anxious to make Seth feel welcome, she wipes the tears from her cheeks and says.  “Bessie, pray tell Fr. Bale that I will be with him shortly in the sitting room.  Please bring them a light repast and some wine.”

Bessie:  “Only wine, Milady?”  She wonders if her mistress knows who is here?

Lady Roseanna:  “And please bring milk for the child.”  Lady Roseanna [(3) right] says knowingly.

Bessie:  “You best be bringing your scented nosegay, too, cause they are hot and sweaty from their travels.”  Bessie says none too delicately as she wrinkles her nose.

Lady Roseanna:  “Then we shall offer them a bath.”

Bessie:  “All of them, Milady?  The child’s mother, too?”

Lady Roseanna:   “The child’s mother?”

Bessie:  “Come and see.”  So Bessie and Lady Roseanna greet the visitors in the sitting room.


Lady Roseanna:  Upon entering the room and seeing only two adults, Lady Roseanna greets Fr. Bale [(4) right] warmly.  “Fr Bale!   Thank you for coming.  You have only just missed seeing Sir Guy who left this past hour.” 

Fr. Bale:  “My dear Lady Roseanna.  I am sorry.  We hurried as fast as we could. This is Colleen, the black smith’s wife.”  Colleen [(5) right] nods and curtsies to Lady Roseanna who is attired in fine linen compared to the rough hewn quality of her own garment.  For her part, Lady Roseanna thinks the woman cannot be much older than her.

Lady Roseanna:  Then Lady Roseanna spies a smallish black haired cherubic three year old child cowering amongst the peasant woman’s skirts.  “And who is this?”  She smiles warmly at the child.

ColleenMother:  Placing a soothing hand on the child’s back, she says “My Lady, this is my son, Seth.   He is a bit shy of being in a grand place such as this.  Seth, come on my dear.  Say hello to the nice lady.”

"Guy's Rose" (Book 1), by Gratiana Lovelace, 2012Where stories live. Discover now