"Guy's Rose", Ch. 0a--Prologue, by Gratiana Lovelace, 8/19/12

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Author’s Mature Content Note:  “Guy’s Rose” is a sweeping romantic love story set amidst the intrigues of the 12th century English court and British politics.  As such there will be some passages in this story involving heartfelt love scenes (R rated) and some passages involving intrigue and some violence.  I will label the maturity rating of those chapters accordingly.  Otherwise, the general rating for this story is PG or PG-13 due to mature situations and topics.  If you are unable or unwilling to attend a movie with the ratings that I provide, then please do not read those chapters.  This is my disclaimer.

“Guy’s Rose”, Ch. 0-- Prologue, 8/19/12 posted on Wattpad

Here is some background as to how I originated my story, “Guy’s Rose”.  The character of Sir Guy of Gisborne was hauled away to London at the end of the BBC produced Robin Hood Series 3, Episode 2--sent there by Sheriff  Vasey to explain to Prince John why Nottingham’s tribute monies would not be coming.  Certainly, Vasey thought that Prince John would vent his anger on Sir Guy and that Sir Guy would be interrogated and perhaps tortured or killed--thereby diverting Prince John’s attention from doing the same to Vasey. 

Yet when Sir Guy returned to Nottingham in Robin Hood Series 3, Episode 5, not only was Sir Guy well, he was confident, happy, and in command of an elite palace guard [(1) Confident Sir Guy, top].  And he was an all around satisfied looking man now that he was under the patronage of Prince John.  This was quite a transformation considering the depths to which Sir Guy had sunk in his misery over killing the love of his life, Lady Marian at the beginning of Robin Hood Series 3 in episode 1  [(2) Tormented Sir Guy, middle]

What else might have happened during the many months that Sir Guy was in London with Prince John [(3) Prince John, bottom] and was not seen in Robin Hood series 3 Episodes 3 and 4?  Might Sir Guy have had a love affair to mend his broken heart and heal his soul?  Would Sir Guy’s lover be a noble woman as befitting his own station--in a true meeting of the minds, as well as their bodies?  Or, might Sir Guy’s lover be perhaps a wench whom he could take easily and without remorse--fulfilling his base sexual needs?   How does this period in Sir Guy's life shape what is to come in the rest of Robin Hood Series 3 beginning with Episode 5?  And what happens to Sir Guy's lover after Sir Guy returns to Nottingham?  

So I propose this fan fiction to address what Sir Guy was doing at court away from Nottingham those many months--before returning to Nottingham a new man in Episode 5, and then the story continues through to the end of the events in Robin Hood Series 3 and beyond.  


(1 right top)  Sir Guy, as portrayed by Richard Armitage, looking confident and in command in the BBC’s Robin Hood, series 3, episode 5, picture 92


(2 right middle)  Sir Guy, as portrayed by Richard Armitage,  tormented about killing Lady Marian in the BBC’s Robin Hood, series 3, episode 1, picture 122: http://www.richardarmitagenet.com/images/gallery/RobinHood/album/seasonthree/Episodeone/slides/1_122.html

(3 right bottom) Prince John as portrayed by Toby Stephens in the BBC’s Robin Hood, serie3, episode 6 picture 94


"Guy's Rose" (Book 1), by Gratiana Lovelace, 2012Where stories live. Discover now