"Guy's Rose", Ch. 4--Lady Rose Dines with the Prince and Sir Guy, 8/25/12

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"Guy's Rose" Chapter 4:  Lady Roseanna Dines with Prince John and Sir Guy Monday Evening, 8/25/12 Gratiana Lovelace

Having made herself scarce at the midday meal, Lady Roseanna [(2) Lady Roseanna, right]  was told in no uncertain terms that she must dine with Prince John this evening--or the servant bringing word to her would be beaten.  Her cousin Prince John is a crafty buggar--thinks Lady Roseanna--and he knows that Lady Roseanna would not want a servant harmed on her account.   So after taking her own bath with Bessie assisting her, Lady Roseanna attires herself in her finest light blue velvet dress with gold brocade edging [(3) blue velvet dress] and complementing her ample bosom that she had previously bound under her boy's tunic. 

Lady Roseanna impishly and blushingly wonders if Sir Guy will recognize her as being his former valet Oxbridge.   She thinks not.  Lady Roseanna is quite confident in her deception earlier and colors again at the thought of seeing Sir Guy naked as he rose from his bath--like Adonis rising from the spring.  It is a sight that fixes in her memory as a wonder and a sinful delight.  Lady Roseanna gracefully makes her way to the large dining hall where other nobles are assembled about the room.  As is her custom, she will sit beside her cousin Prince John at the head table--and more, this evening.

Prince John:  Seeing his beautifully attired and attractive cousin enter the great dining hall, he stops the gathering by announcing her to all present--especially to Sir Guy.  "My Lords, Ladies, and Gentlemen.  May I present my breathtakingly beautifully cousin Lady Roseanna Middleton."  He flings his arms wide and encourages applause--which those in attendance comply with. 

Sir Guy:  Transfixed in gazing upon Lady Roseanna--a lovelier woman Sir Guy [(4) Prince John and Sir Guy]  has not seen in some time, in truth since Lady Marian--Sir Guy smiles seductively at her.  Then remembering his manners, he walks up to her, bows regally, and takes her hand in his and kisses it.   Then he says in that deeply seductive velvety baritone of his "Milady.   I am Sir Guy of Gisborne--at your service."  Sir Guy and Lady Roseanna smile and look at each other with mutually appreciative eyes.

Prince John:   Then Lady Roseanna's weasel cousin John has to have his fun. "Oh Gisborne, I should have 'properly' introduced my cousin to you.  This is Lady Roseanna Oxbridge Middleton."

Sir Guy:  "Oxbridge?  That is the valet's name."

Lady Roseanna:  Finding her voice she whines.  "God's teeth, Johnny!  Can't you ever play fair?"  And she colors every shade in the rainbow, knowing that Sir Guy will figure it out--she is the valet who helped him with his bath this morning.

Prince John:  Seeing Sir Guy's startled look at Lady Roseanna's manly oath, Prince John says "Milady Roseanna has always had more of the 'stable boy' or 'valet' in her airs, than the fine lady in the drawing room."

Sir Guy:  His eyes widen in realization that his 'valet' at his bath this morning is the very lady standing in front of him now. "Milady Roseanna!   My apologies for not greeting you properly--earlier.  I hope I am attired to your satisfaction now."  He fixes a devilish grin upon his face as he admires her attire, her beautifully softly curled hair and her exquisitely sweet face. 

Lady Roseanna:  Trying not to blush, but failing miserably, [(5) Image for Lady Roseanna] she says  "In truth, Sir Guy, you wear my brother's clothes well.  We might have to let you keep what you are wearing this evening."  She smiles sweetly and weakly--feeling that she will melt into his arms were he to take one step in her direction.

Sir Guy:  Endlessly amused to be standing dressed in front of a lady whom he was undressed in front of this morning he says.  "Well, Milady Roseanna, Were your brother to wish for his clothes back, I know to whom I should return them."

"Guy's Rose" (Book 1), by Gratiana Lovelace, 2012Where stories live. Discover now