Chapter 27

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The car ride to their destination was abnormally quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the gravel under the tires.

Jennie was deep in thought, mentally preparing to reopen old wounds. If anyone deserves to know everything about her, it was Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, was contemplating what to do. Her hand found the one piece of jewelry she managed to put on tonight. It must've been a habit because there was no way she would've put on the chain around her neck if she was thinking clearly.

She remembered a time when she wouldn't take it off. her earlier thoughts of Chanyeol must have distracted her. That's when Chaeyoung decided that if Jennie was going, to be honest, then so so was she.

They pulled into the only place that was on Jennie's mind.

"Here?" Chaeyoung asked pleasantly surprised. Jennie bit her lip. This was always a special spot for her, even more so since she brought Chaeyoung here on their first 'date.'

The cliff overlooking Los Angeles was empty so the two made their way out. Sitting on the lush grass, Jennie let out a heavy sigh.

"Babe, you don't have to tell me. I love you anyway, you know that, right?" Chaeyoung asked after sensing the girl's hesitancy.

"No, you should know," Jennie said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it tight. Shaky breath exhaled, she started the tale she had been holding onto for the past few years.

"Kai and I met a few weeks after I had turned 16... We got along really well and starting taking, you know how it goes. Ended up confessing our feelings for each other. Well, I was being honest about mine and he... He wasn't." Jennie said. Chaeyoung noticed a tear peaking out of the corner of her eyes and she lovingly wiped it away.

"We spoke every day for just over three months and I liked him so, so much. I almost thought of it as love. Almost. We- uh... met up one night and decided to hang out have a few drinks. I-uh- I had a lot more to drink than he did." Jennie stuttered and Chaeyoung closed her eyes, having an idea of where this was going.

"I was drunk, and I really liked him, he was so good looking. We ended up kissing and-uh- and yeah... I w-woke up the next morning... He was asleep next to me and I just felt so... dirty. He was so uncaring... Everything he did... He was so uncaring about me and asked me to leave because he was done with me. I had never cried so much before until after that... I mean, I gave him my virginity and h-he just... took it," Jennie was crying softly and Chaeyoung's heart broke at the thought of a 16-year-old Jennie having to go through that.

"I-uh- he did use any protection even though he told me he did. I, later found out that he didn't," Jennie whispered and Chaeyoung's head snapped to her girlfriend, wide-eyed.

Jennie shooked her head. "I was so scared and angry and I just- I just couldn't tell my parents. So... I went to the only person I could trust. I went to Jisoo and told her what happened. She warned me to stay away from him before, but I didn't. Anyway, she ended up helping me and we got the morning after pill to y'know, prevent a possible pregnancy." Jennie revealed.

"After that, every guy I tried to start a relationship with just reminded me of Kai. I just- I just didn't want to get hurt again," Jennie said seriously.

"I guess that's when 'fuckgirl' Jennie was born. Nobody would take advantage of me like that again, so I ended up doing it to others instead," Jennie said looking down at the ground in shame. She hated herself and that part of her life.

Chaeyoung used her hands to cup Jennie's face and stare into her red eyes.

"Baby..." Chaeyoung cooed. She then placed a soft kiss on Jennie's lips. It was so soft and loving that Jennie almost started crying again.

"Fuck Kai. That was wrong of him to take advantage of a drunk you like that. But, I need you to know something too," Chaeyoung said and Jennie nodded curiously.

"I love you. I-I love you so much, Wifey and would never do that to you," Chaeyoung said, hugging the girl and enjoying the warmth and the strawberries and chocolate scent of her girlfriend.

"I know you wouldn't, My Hubby. I know..." Jennie trailed off, finally happy to have found a light in her dark and dull life.

"I-I have something to tell you too," Chaeyoung stuttered and pulled away.

Jennie wiped her eyes, thinking about how she was finally and completely over him. She then reached over to grab Chaeyoung's hand and placed all of her focus on what the younger girl had to say.

"Well, I want to tell you why I was a 'fuckgirl' too," Chaeyoung mumbled shyly. She was holding the chain in her hand, a silver promise ring attached to the end which Jennie grabbed to examine it.

"It belonged to Chanyeol. My ex-boyfriend." Chaeyoung revealed and Jennie nodded urging her to continue.

"We met during our sophomore year of high school. We were in the same grade and inseparable. fast forward, we started dating and I fell in love with him. Two years later on our Prom night, I guess I wanted to reward him? He was always asking to have sex and I was a virgin and Just wanted to wait a little longer until it was special," Chaeyoung was the one who needed her tears wiped now, Jennie was already there for her.

"I gave him what he wanted that night, and it was like he was set free. He stopped being a good boyfriend, demanding me to do things I didn't want to do. Eventually, he left me for girls who would put out more than once and I was just, devastated." Chaeyoung said with tears streaming down her face while Jennie hugged her tightly.

"I just didn't want to get hurt anymore. Seeing how he never really cared and him being with other girls hurt so much. I didn't want to feel anymore. So I guess that's when 'fuckgirl' Chaeyoung was born. Fucking girls over and not giving myself a second thought about them. Just like Chanyeol did to me," Chaeyoung muttered and Jennie just held her tight.

After a few moments, allowing Chaeyoung to calm down, she felt... Free. Telling Jennie about her past set her free from it.

"Hey-" Jennie said catching Chaeyoung's attention.

"I love you," Jennie said simply and leaned in to kiss the girl. Chaeyoung smiled into it and the girls broke out laughing.

"Come here," Jennie demanded and stood up, holding out her hands for her girlfriend. Chaeyoung took them in a heartbeat and was pulled to her feet.

"C-can I?" Jennie asked nervously, holding out her hand. Chaeyoung gladly handed over the ring.

"This-" Jennie said and held up the cheap ring. "-This is the end of our shitty pasts. From now on... Kai and Chanyeol, those two don't matter. We have each other now and  forever, baby." Jennie finished her speech off by chucking the ring as far as she could off of the cliff's edge.

Chaeyoung felt fully free. She felt light, happy and deeply in love.

Jennie grimaced at the feeling of almost throwing her shoulder out of place, but she felt lighter too. It felt like a weight was gone and she could now fully be herself. Because that's who she was with Chaeyoung. Herself.

"I love you." Both girls said at the exact moment. Giggling, Jennie pulled her girlfriend into her arms and kissed her sweetly.

Life is definitely better when someone loves you back.


oh my goddd!!! I am going to be deaf with all of these Christmas songs *pouts and grimace* 


Thank you guys... I couldn't have done it without all of youuuuuuuu


- Dumpling

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