Offers and Agreements

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Chapter 29

It took all her willpower for Sephiroth to remain awake while they waited for Angeal and Zack to return. It helped that the sight of the revived alien and his family was touching. As much as she still felt she could never atone for all she had done in the past, it was nice to know that when it mattered, she was still able to accomplish something worthwhile. She knew Genesis felt the same as well. Since they were still leaning against one another, their connection was open, even if it was dimmed with their exhaustion.

It had only been a half-hour since the alien announced the return of the other two before they showed up. Sephiroth raised a brow at their presence, but then remembered that the male had said they would be coming back by the shorter route. She grimaced slightly at the knowledge that she had been taken the long way around the first time she had been there, but it made sense.

Both Angeal and Zack were glowering at the two of them before they even reached their sides. The female that was leading them broke off as soon as they were in the clearing and headed to where the others were while the two Soldiers headed for Sephiroth and Genesis. Neither of them were given a chance to explain before Angeal spoke up in a reproachful voice. "I knew I should not have left the two of you. You are both so damned reckless." He paused and took a deep breath. It was obvious that he was worried, especially as they had not moved at all since they sat down. When he continued, there was a slight tremor to his voice. "I understand why you both feel the need to prove yourselves, but you need to realize that your deaths would leave a void that could never be filled."

When Sephiroth opened her mouth to speak, Angeal held up his hand to silence her. "I know, you still think that your death was justified, and when you were still merged with Jenova that might have been true, but that was not who you really were, and it definitely isn't who you are now. You have become what you should have been all along. Take my word for it. And if you don't want to believe me, then sit down and have a talk with Cloud when we get back. I am sure there are things that you both need to hear from each other."

Sephiroth gave him a confused look but didn't get a chance to argue. They were interrupted at that point by Zatier. The tall male barely gave Angeal a glance before he knelt to be on eye level with Genesis and Sephiroth. "I am aware that this situation has been complicated for all of us, but there is no doubt I owe you my life. Even though it was your blade that brought me down, I find that your willingness to help when it put you at risk is something not many would do, on any planet we have touched. Thank you."

He stood at that point and finally turned to Angeal. "We understand they will need rest before we can discuss terms. Please allow us to extend what comforts we have. There are stasis pods on all our ships. They can use them to rest. We will allow all of you access so you can see they will be undisturbed."

Angeal gave the two that were seated a worried look, but Sephiroth spoke up. "That would be appreciated. We should only need a little sleep and then we can go over everything."

The male gave them a nod. "Please follow me."

Angeal still didn't look convinced, but he helped Genesis to his feet while Zack moved to help Sephiroth. They both grimaced at how weak their legs were, even after sitting there for more than a half-hour. They knew it was not unexpected though, so they didn't complain as they were nearly carried to the closest ship. Once inside, Zatier showed them to the area with the stasis pods and explained how to use them. They all watched with slight awe. Even the beds they used were a technological marvel. Sephiroth was glad to see it, though. It meant that their sleep would be optimized and when they woke, they would be fully rested. She only hoped that the fact that they were human and not fully alien would not make a difference in the way it worked.

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