Chapter 14

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   I tell my fighters to stay and make sure the pack is safe and then I'm running to the stables.
I get there in no time. I head to the last stable and move the straw around. At first I think the man lied to me. I'm not seeing anything, but then I see the trap door.
   I drop to my knees and pull it up. It comes easily. I see the steps. I stand ready to go down the steps when Blaine touches my arm and the sparks ignite between our touching skin, ultimately stopping me in the tracks.
   I look up to him wondering why he's stopping me. "Let me go first. We don't know if what the man has said is true. You come down behind me and Cullen will come down behind you." He says. I smile and nod. Blaine takes the steps two at a time and then waits for Cullen and I to get down them.
   Once we are all down we start walking down the corridor like walk way. Then we hit a door. Blaine knocks on the door and shouts we are here to help you. Move away from the door.
   I hear somebody say can you smell that. Then somebody else says no it cant be. She died in the attack. She was too young to survive on her own out there all this time. Our pack my wolf delightly informs me prancing around my mind making me grin like a mad woman.
   I blast the metal door. Not even bothering with the lock. The door falls inside as I see people jump back. Then the gasps come and the "It cant be, can it?" Shocked comments before I see my Mother walk toward me. She runs to me wrapping me in her arms. She looks me all over before looking at Blaine and then at me with a knowing grin on her lips. Then Hollie walks towards me with a toddler. She looks just like Hollie.
I grab them both in a hug before motioning for everyone to follow us out.
   We all get out and walk toward the pack house that is now roofless.
I turn around to take a proper look at my pack. I reconise almost everyone including Conor, Calee's son.
   It's a surreal feeling to finally see the rest of my pack. It feels good to have them here, but I really want to take them and go home and I think Blaine senses my line of thought because once we are in the pack house he announces
   "As some of you are aware Reagan is my fated mate. She didn't die in an attack as Ciara had lead us all to believe. I want to know how you would all feel at our two packs merging and residing in Dublin on Reagan's packland. If you'll have us that is." He says looking at me. Everyone cheers as I jump into his arms. My pack are cheering and mingling with the other pack.
   We spend the next hour deciding what we are going to do with the traitors left in the cells. After a rather tense conversation we all agree to send word to the pack in cork once we get back to our pack land and allow them to take the prisoners to do with as they please.
   With everything decided we head back to dublin. Cullen and my fighters take the pack back in wolf form, while Blaine and I take the dingy back across the water to the horses we left there.
To my amazement there still stood eaching the grass around the tree we tied their reins too. I get upon Ronan as Blaine gets on a big bay stallion. We both lead the others from our horses.
   I take Blaine back through the mountains and show him the cave I spent ten years of my life living in with nothing but my wolf and Ronan for company. Then we ride through the forest before heading toward the clearing of our pack.
   We get to the clearing an hour later.
For the first time since I've been back I see pups playing in the clearing. They run up to us and greet us. The sight makes my heart swell with pride.
We done it I inwardly say to my wolf.
As we ride into the stable and then stable the horses, untacking and giving them clean water and feed.
I check the other horses before we head to the pack house. As soon as we open the front door I hear the bustle of  voices coming from the kitchen.
  As I push the kitchen door open my heart leaps. My Mother is sat on my Father's lap. Hollie is playing with her daughter. Siobhan is cuddled up to with Cullen and Darcy, Danielle and Alanna are sat at the table talking with Conor and Calee. Bree and Briana run straight up to me. Giving me the biggest cuddle then going to Blaine for the same. My Father looks at me for the first time in ten years with tears in his eyes and a proud look on his face. My mother, Siobhan and Hollie all share his proud look.
  "You done it kiddo. You saved us all." He says to me. I smile, shaking my head "I didn't do this alone. You all played a part. You, mam, Emer, Hollie and Siobhan's love for me pulled me through the last ten years. The knowledge my brothers weren't here gave me hope for their survival.
My dreams of you Blaine kept me warm within my heart. Calee and this pack gave me something to concentrate on. To keep going when I wanted to give up. Even when I arrived here I found strength in the people trapped here. Danielle, Darcy and Alanna the strength you showed in the cells made me remember why I was still fighting so hard. Bree and Briana you gave me a purpose after we won the pack back. You showed me strength in accepting help. Cullen you stood up for me when you hardly knew me and reminded me the value of loyalty with in a pack and the fact it is still here. Still in my pack and yours. And dad, Ronan, well the stallion along with my wolf kept me company for ten years in my darkest thoughts and became best friends.
So I didn't do this alone. We all did this together." I say. Looking around at everyone. There isn't a dry eye in the kitchen.
    Then Cullen says we have a special surprise for you.
Just as the kitchen door opens and stood there is my Sister Emer with a dark haired man. She smiles and says "Hey you. You look amazing for a corpse Reagan" we both laugh loudly as everyone joins in.
Then she engulfs me in a massive hug, before introducing her mate, Leo.
   She fills me in on her nine years in America and explains how our cousin Connor had lied to Aiden and Alise and saved her life. She wasn't sold to the pack in America. She met Leo in a cafe and the rest is history. Conor is mated to a wolf also in Leo and Emers pack.
  I look around at my family and pack and then at my own Mate Blaine and feel proud of all we have accomplished.
We still don't know where my brothers are, but we know they're safe and for now that's enough for me. I'm finally happy and content. 

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