Chapter 10

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   Four weeks has passed since Alpha Blaine and his pack left.
He never rang. I waited ten days before I tried to ring him twice but both times Ciara answered and said he doesn't want to speak to me. After two weeks of no contact I tried to ring Danielle but her phone has been disconnected. I rang Alpha blaines phone three days ago but his has also now been disconnected.
  My sister Siobhan has never contacted me either which is really strange.
I feel like something is wrong. My wolf feels it too, but we don't know what to do. I still haven't found my sister Hollie, niece or even had word of where Ruby could be. I'm going out of my mind with worry for Hollie and my niece.
  I have my concern for Alpha Blaine and the pack confirmed when the phone rings. I answer it on the first ring hoping it's Danielle letting me know they're all ok. 
  "Hello, Reagan speaking. Crescent Moon Pack" I say. Nobody speaks for a moment, but I hear a sob. I know that cry. "Siobhan? Siobhan is that really you? Are you ok?" I ask.
She cries more before answering "Reagan it really is you. Oh Reagan, it's all a mess here. Luna Ciara has lost her mind. She's always been eccentric but after Alpha Blaine told her he was helping you for a few days she lost it and came to your pack. When she returned she was horrible to everyone, including Alpha Blaine.
I haven't seen Cullen or Alpha Blaine since the day they got back and Darcy and Danielle are also missing now too. Reagan there are men here I don't know. Cruel, nasty men.
I think Ciara has done something."
  Then I hear siobhan scream "No" before she drops the phone. It cuts off.
I ring it back three times but no answer.
  I panic yell Calee who is right next to me in seconds. "Reagan, what is it? What's happened?" She says shaking me.
  I tell her everything about the call from Siobhan and then I pull her along with me as I run to the Stables.
I don't bother tacking Ronan up, I just jump upon his back and gather his main up.
  "Calee, get our best fighters and tell them to follow me on horseback.
Get the enforcers to tighten patrols.
You stay here and over look the pack while I am gone. You're my Beta while I am gone and when I get back we'll talk about making it a permanent position.
  I'm going to go on ahead to get my Sister and Mate back and bring everyone else back." With that I kick Ronan on and gallop off.
   Galway isn't that far from our pack in Dublin and we could shift and run there quite easily in wolf form but Ciara will expect that. She'll expect me to attack her pack. I want to take advantage of the element of surprise.
  It's been a few hours since the call and I'm anxious to get to Galway.
I'm at the edge of the forest that leads through the mountains when I hear hooves galloping toward me from the front.
  I can hear my pack fighters galloping toward me from behind. My heart's racing as I hear Siobhan say "It isn't far now but we must ride hard. Their gaining on us and if they capture us before we get to Reagan and the Pack I dread to think what will become of us"
She's on the other side of the mountains.
  I realise she wont be able to find the mountain entrance to pass straight through it. When I warded the mountains ten years ago to keep myself safe my sisters were meant to come with me, but because it was only me that entered it means now unless i invite you in you can't see or find the entrance to enter.
  I gallop through the mountains as fast as I can until I'm on the other side.
I see Siobhan galloping toward me as I'm come out. She breaths a sigh of relief until we both hear the men chasing her taunting.
  "Cullens little wolf come out from where you're hiding. Where ever you are it wont be safe until you come back and Join Cullen. Alpha Ciara is very disappointed in you for running off as you did. Taking her children and niece with you too is sure to only enrage her even more. Naughty Saobhan" he says. 
  Behind her I can see Bree, Brianna and Alanna. Then i see Darcy and Danielle gallop around the corner being chased by six men on horses. "It's that bitch Alpha Ciara hates" one of them roar.
  I feel the spark of magic ignite within me as I cast my ward to allow Siobhan, Danielle, Darcy, Alanna, Bree and Briana into the mountains.
  "Quickly" I shout. "Ride straight in. We'll be safe here. My ward will keep them out but I don't have time to explain it right now" I say as they all gallop past me and into the mountain. I walk Ronan in and close the ward behind us just intime.
  I hear the men on the other side speaking. Sounding confused.
"Where the hell have they gone Alex?" One says. "Can't have got far, we were right behind them. We need to report back to Ciara of our little development with the Cresent Moon Pack bitch."
"The sooner she hurries up and kills Blaine, the sooner his bitch dies of a broken heart."  Another snears.
With that I start moving forward.
  "Follow me, I know these mountains well. We'll have plenty of time to talk and catch up once we are all safe. That includes Alpha Blaine, Beta Cullen and the rest of the Galway pack who are loyal to Alpha Blaine." I say as we gallop along the path that leads to the opening of the mountains on the other side.  
   Everyone stays quite, listening for any indication that the others are riding around the mountains since they can't see the entrance of the mountains.
It'll take them days to ride all the way around them. I hope they have turned back, but that will take my element of surprise away when I attack her and anyone who is loyal to her.
  Once we get to the opening of the mountains on the side of my Packs land we are met by my best Pack fighters who look stunned to suddenly see us approaching. "We ride back to packland and plan our next move." I say, letting everyone know that this is only the beginning.

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