Chapter 4

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  For the last six months, since I came into my Alpha power I have been secretly watching my old Pack lands from the shadows of the trees.
Learning the enforcers who guard the perimeter routine.
  Today I plan to reclaim my pack. Since my uncle took it on my sixth birthday, it feels fitting to be claiming it back on my Sixteenth Birthday.
  I'm croached down it the shadows of the trees. I'm close enough to be able to see and hear what they are doing, but I'm not close enough for them to know I'm here by smell or sight.
I'm waiting for the enforcer to take his leave.
  I'm waiting for him to leave the gate unmanned for fifteen minutes while he hands over any relevant information to the next on duty enforcer.
  Finally, he's on the move. Going away from the gate.
I don't have long to slip out of my Jean's and top and tie them around my neck Then shift and slip into the clearing, but my wolf is incredibly fast and the cells are just on the other side of the pack house. My pack house.
I'm stripping off, just about to let my wolf take form when I hear the thundering of paws against the hard ground.
  Swinging my head around to the direction of the noise to the left of me I settle my eyes on the wolves who are thundering toward my packland and straight past me and into the clearing. Shock compels me to the very spot I'm still stood.
I'm completely naked as they just run past me, taking no notice of me in the slightest.
For a moment I wonder if I have accidentally done an invisiblity spell I'm not aware of.
To them it seems as if I am invisible, but as suddenly as they passed me by i feel something else.
Something deep within me. A pull on my heart and soul. The pull of the mate bond.
  My wolf instantly recognising it for what it is. She's dancing and yipping in my mind. Howling, pushing and scraping at the barrier within my mind keeping her in.
She wants out, and now. She wants to be let free to run to her mate. It's simple in her mind. Claim our mate.
   Suddenly I'm looking at a pure Black wolf. I recognise him instantly.
The wolf from my dreams I whisper to myself. He's bigger in reality, but his eyes are the same familiar piercing emerald green I remember from my dreams of him.
He's so much more powerful in reality too, I can feel the sparks igniting between us. I wonder for a moment if he is feeling the same energy and pull as i am.
I can feel his power radiating off him and seeping within me, mixing with my own Alpha power.
He's almost majestic to look at. He's magnificent, just look at him my wolf seductively says to me.
He's looking directly at me. Straight into my eyes. It feels like he's looking straight into my sole. For a moment I'm just starring, mouth gapping open. Not one of your finest moments my wolf laughs.
I catch him subtlety sniffing the air as he carries on looking at me.
Great time to be stood around naked Reagan I inwardly cringe to myself, just as i see the moment recognition crosses his beautiful face.
He looks toward the clearing in front of us, towards the direction his pack have already run in, then back to me. He nods his wolf head at me and then turns to face the clearing and howls. Then he's gone in a flash, bolting in the direction the other wolves are. You can see some still in the distance charging in. Taking his power with him that I can still feel rolling from his very being. He is going straight into the battle that I can now hear has started.
  Finally letting go of the breath I didnt realise I had been holding I left my wolf come forth. About time she says in my mind before shifting. I'm now in my white wolf form.

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