Chapter 9

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  The front door slamming open and a loud voice of a woman brings me out of my thoughts.
   "Come on then, where is she? If you think you'll get your slutty paws into my Mate think again Reagan. He's mine." She yells through the hallway getting closer to me.
Then she's in the kitchen, in front of me. "So it's true. You're back from the dead. Maybe this time Reagan try not to abandon your pack. You're a shank and if you think you're taking my Mate think again. Blaine is mine" she yells in my face.
  And she's back, my wolf says in my mind, making me giggle.
I hear Calee growl behind me, I put my hand up letting her know I'm ok.
"Ciara, wow what a pleasure it is to have you back on my packland.
I trust your travel was good. I'm afraid you have wasted your time. Alpha Blaine is leaving Today. I thought he had told you in one of the million times you've blown his phone up with your continuous hounding you've done since he's been here. I say with a sweet smile on my lips.
   I notice then the two blonde girls in the door way, her children I assume. I smile at them. I don't reconise or remember them although they do look like her former mate, my fathers Bestfriend Conor. They both give me an apologetic look as Ciara continues screaming at me.
  She then lunges forward, but I block her attempt to grab my hair. She loses her balance and falls to the floor, just as Alpha Blaine enters the kitchen. My wolf laughs in my mind at the desperation seeping out of Ciara as she whines on the floor.
  She takes that opportunity to cry her lies to him. "Oh my God Blaine, that little bitch attacked me" she screams while pointing a well manicured finger at me accusingly.
Looking between us both before he fixes his eyes on me. "Reagan. I dont understand. Why would you do that? Ciara is my Mate. You know this. I told you I was mated with her" He says.
Not even stopping to ask if what she had said was true. He just went straight in to accuse me.
   I see Ciara smirk at me with a victory grin on her lips. I raise a brow and snap "Alpha Blaine, I haven't touched your mate... YET, but she'll do good to remember she's on my land now. Ciara I will not tolerate you intimidating any of my wolves. Do you understand?" I tell her as I look at Alpha Blaine with disappointment in my eyes "Alpha Blaine, in future try asking me IF I've done something rather then think badly of me at somebody elses say so, or in the least gather the facts before you judge a situation. I hope in time you'll realising your Mate isn't as sweet as she appears to be" I snap at him before walking out.
  In my office, which is situated in my favourite place to be, the stables. Well in the old tack room anyway. I sort though a few pack issues. Then I head to the kitchen when Calee texts letting me know lunch is ready. Its Pasta carbonara. Yum, I think to myself as my stomach growls it's agreement.
  As soon as I walk in Ciara makes a remark, "Don't you ever shower skank, you smell of the farm animals outside!
Eww, are you seriously not going to take a shower first" She whines before adding "Well you are a bitch so I suppose the smell is apart of your genetic make up isn't it." Rolling my eyes not giving her the reaction she craves to create another scene. I ignore her knowing shes winding herself up further the more she continues her onslaught of insults. I block her out until I hear Emers name slip through her lips, snapping my eyes at her I warn her "Ciara, I'll warn you only once. Do not drag my siblings or parents into any drama you may crave." I growl. She laughs, "Oh what is a skank like you going to do? Steal MY Mate, he's mine skank. So you'd do well to remember that and keep your slutty paws off. I see the way you watch him when you think nobody is looking. You can't even keep ahold of your own fated mate. I have him. He doesn't want you, infact you repulse him so back off. The only reason he stayed to help you is because his mother made him. Even that wasn't his own choice." She laughs.  
    I push my chair up and storm out heading towards my room. I hear Beta Cullen tell Ciara, "Ciara has it occurred to you that Alpha Reagan emthasis on the Alpha, may not want Alpha Blaine. Alpha Reagan has  shown more respect in her little finger then you have in the ten years you've been part of the pack.
You do realise that Alpha Reagan has a higher claim to Alpha Blaine don't you? After all they're fated mates and you can only avoid that pull for so long.
So why don't you do us all a favour and just leave so they can be truly happy as they should be." He snaps at her.
I smile to myself. Impressed with the way he spoke to her calmly but sternly.
  I hear her cry and scream for Alpha Blaine as Calee knocks my bedroom door. "Come in" I say. She smiles at me when she opens the door.
"Calee, how long is she staying? I can't stick that woman. Everyone else including her girls will always be welcome but her. She's manipulative and dangerous with her games." I say. Calee agreeing whole heartedly with me.
   I endure Ciara and her lethal tongue for a week. Every day she gets more vicious with what she says and more paranoid. She always does it when Alpha Blaine isn't around to witness her tourment.
  I've been teaching Alanna and Ciara's two daughters to ride.
I haven't seen much of Alpha Blaine since the unexpected arrival of Ciara, and when I do see him Ciara is there playing the victim to him, whispering in his ear blaming me for everything that has upset her.
  I'm stood in the clearing with Danielle and Darcy talking about my plans for the day while Alanna is cantering in the sand school with Bree and Briana, their both trotting their ponies they've been  riding all week. The sun is bright in the sky, the girls are laughing. "I cant believe Bree and Briana are Ciara's children. Thank god they're nothing like her" I sigh to Calee, Danielle and Darcy.
   Coming up behind us I hear Ciara shout "What are you doing with my daughters. What are they doing on those beasts. I never gave you my permission to teach them anything with those beasts. Get them off, now." She screeches as she attempts to pull Bree from the pony she's riding.
Danielle and I run over to stop her as Bree falls hard to the ground.
Bree picks herself back up. "Mam, we asked Dad and he was fine with Reagan teaching us to ride. He thought it was a good skill to learn. We love it and we're good at it Mam. Come and watch us." She says as she puts her foot in the stirrup and grabs the saddle ready to pull herself back up, but Ciara grabs her arm pulling her harshly away from the pony. Briana watching the scene unfold in front of her dismounts before Ciara can get to her to also pull her off. Bree has tears in her eyes as Alpha Blaine approaches us.
   Ciara screaming at me that I nearly killed her precious girls. "Ciara, what's going on here? Why are you upset? Why are our girls crying" He asks, stepping In front of her. Kissing her forehead lightly while wiping her tears lightly.
  "She almost killed our girls Blaine that's what's going on" Ciara screams in my direction pointing her accusatory finger in my chest as she stands glaring at me.  Danielle rolls her eyes.
  "No she didn't Ciara. Stop fabricating the truth. Bree and Briana were happy and enjoying a ride and you dragged Bree from the pony making her fall to the ground. Resulting in Bree hurting herself. Reagan was teaching them to ride and you didn't like it.
You have been nothing but awful to Reagan from the moment you invited yourself to her pack. You've made no effort to get along with anyone. You've tried to drive a wedge between Reagan and Blaine from the moment you arrived." Danielle snaps glaring at Ciara.
  Ciara being the grand actress she is puts on trademark crocodile tears and throws herself into Alpha Blaines arms. Fake sobbing into his chest.
  "Blaine, she's even managed to turned our family against me. She wants you and she'll stop at nothing to have you. She is trying to take you away from me. She's always been jealous of me Blaine." She says to Alpha Blaine as he looks me dead in the eye. I raise my brow at him waiting for him to see this is all blatant lies. Surely he can't be taking her seriously.
He keeps my eye contact as he says
   "Ciara, I am yours and only yours. Reagan knows this. I have no interest in Reagan. It's you I love and it's you who is my mate, now and forever."
I see out of the corner of my eye danielle and Darcy shake their head as Beta Cullen approaches.
  As he speaks to Alpha Blaine taking his attention I see Ciara's big grin widdening as she laughs and says "See Skank, you'll never have him. You can dress like a slut and advance on my mate but you'll always repulse him. Just like your Mother you are. Where is Saoirse by the way? I haven't seen her. Oh but of course. She's still whoring herself in scotland isn't she. You know I heard she screams like a chewbacca" She snears.
   Realisation kicks in, in that moment it all makes perfect sense. She was the leak within the pack when my Uncle attacked. She is the reason he attacked earlier then in my Mothers vision. She was feeding him information and he was feeding her information. 
   "That's it" I snap "Enough is enough. You have an hour Ciara to pack your stuff and leave my pack lands. You have disrespected me from the moment you arrived. I have ignored you, avoided you. I've avoided Alpha Blaine. I've taught your girls to ride and still nothing is good enough for you.
Yes it's true Ciara, Alpha Blaine is my fated mate, and yes it's torture to watch my mate with you.
Yes I have fallen undoubtedly in love with him but not once have I acted on my feelings. Not once have I thrown in your face he is my mate not yours. I haven't once disrespected you. You have push me beyond my limit and I want you to leave. I know it was you who was leak of this pack. I know it was you who brought my uncle the opportunity to attack our pack and I wont rest until I prove it" I cry as I look up and see Alpha Blaine and Beta Cullen watching me with concern in their expression, as Alpha Blaine turns to Ciara with a furious look on his face.  I walk off, leaving them all there.
  Alpha Blaine calls my name but I ignore him and carry on walking.
Tears trying to escape my eyes.
I hear Ciara whining "I told you she wanted you at whatever cost. Why are you calling after her Blaine? I'm your mate not her. She's just a slut that wants what everyone else has. She's the replica of her Mother."
  I run harder, straight into the pack house and up the stairs. Not stopping as I push the door of my room open and then closed and cuddle up into the duvet on my bed. Finally letting my sobs take over.
  I hear a knock on my door minutes later inbetween my loud harrowing sobs. I know who it is, I can smell him and feel his anger, I'm not sure of its anger toward me or anger for me.
He doesn't wait for me to answer as he comes in. He sits down on my bed. My face covered and sunk into the duvet I wait for him to speak.
  He clears her throat. "Reagan, she's my mate and I love her. I'm sorry I have hurt you. That really wasn't my intention. I am grateful for all you've done while we have been here. We will be leaving as you wish. I just come to let you know and to say" I cut him off before he can finish.
  "I asked that she leave. Not all of you. If you choose to leave then that is your choice. I only want her to leave and it has nothing to do with my feelings toward you. It's the damn disrespect I have endured from the moment she arrived and it isn't just aimed at me, it's my pack and yours. Her own children get her wrath. I'm glad you are happy, really I am but she has to leave Alpha Blaine. She's the reason my Uncle knew when to attack. She planned that attack with him and when I prove that she will be punished for it" I say between my heart wrenching sobs.
  He smiles down at me as he wipes my tears.
"I will never forget you little wolf.
You are stronger then you know and you're a grand Alpha. Your pack are lucky to have you. I hope one day you meet your fated mate who is worthy of such a magnificent mate as you. I'll keep in contact with you should you need any advice. I am only a call away. I will phone and check in on you once a week" With that said he's gone in the blink of an eye.
   It's silent for a few minutes, then I hear engines roar to life.
I go to my window and as I look out I see Danielle, Darcy, Alanna, Bree and Briana look up to my window with tear filled eyes and a smile on their faces. They wave as they get into the car, I wave back. I'll miss them my wolf whines in my mind. I silently agree with her.
   Then I see Beta Cullen and a few other of the Galway pack members get into the next car. Beta Cullen looks up at me and smiles as he tilts his head in acknowledgement of me. I smile back.
Then I see Alpha Blaine and Ciara.
  She looks up and straight into my eyes as she says, "He chose the right wolf Reagan." Before she too is getting into the car. Alpha Blaine doesn't look at me or say anything as he gets into the car.
I hear Calee say "It's been a pleasure meeting you all, well mostly all. I hope we see most of you again soon."
Then they're driving away.

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