New Feelings

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The next day, you were all, once again, walking in a group down the hall. "This monstergration thing is a huge mistake." Cleo spoke up as she used one hand to hold all her books, "The new students have no respect for our Monster High traditions. Of equality, unity-"

"You being in charge of everything?" Clawdeen interrupted.


Frankie spoke up from beside you, "Come on, guys, we just have to be patient. This is a big change for everybody. There's gonna be some growing fangs."

"And the new kids aren't all bad!" Draculaura excitedly exclaimed, "Clawd's friend, Romulus, seems nice. And pretty cute too, huh?"

You looked over at her, "Weren't you just talking about your boyfriend?"

"Ew! That's my brother's childhood friend! I've known him since before he was house broken. Gross!" Clawdeen shuddered as she spoke.

Draculaura stepped a bit closer to you, "I wasn't saying that for you, Clawdeen." Then she nudged you with her shoulder. You just gave her a confused stare.

You all reached the stairs, but stopped as Ghoulia starred at something down below and let out a concerned groan. 

"What does Smart Zombie moan about?" Abby looked to the others for answers but everyone was too busy looking down below as well. On the first floor, there were vampires making zombies bring them drinks and carry their books.

Frankie finally translated for Ghoulia, "She says that, 'the vampires are an aristocratic class of monster. They establish their dominance by procuring minions to do their bidding. And most zombies are easily manipulated.'"

Then, Cleo dropped her books into Ghoulia's hands, "Here. My arms are tired. Time for class." And she walked off.

Clawdeen looked over and widened her gaze, "Hang on a sec." She walked over to Howleen's locker and slammed the door while the smaller monster was trying to put on lipstick. "Howleen, what did I tell you about borrowing my stuff without asking?"

"It's just lipstick. You don't even wear it-" Then Clawdeen snatched the makeup from her hands. 

"That's not the point." Then she came to catch up with the group. "Ugh! Why does she have to be so annoying?"

Frankie waved her hand in a dismissive manner, "Oh, she just hasn't found her thing yet. When she does, she'll be fine."

You all reached a hallway before Clawdeen stepped in front of you, "Stop, stay." Then she sniffed the air, "We can't go down this hall. The werewolves have marked it as their territory. Trust me, you don't want to go in their." 

Draculaura grabbed your upper arm in a frightened manner and you both started to back away. Then, one of you stepped onto someone's foot from behind. Turning around, you were met with a growl to the face. It had been a werewolf. 

You both hugged each other close and backed away from them. Then, you heard Bram's voice, "Did I see you growl at this vampire and her friend." He placed on of his arms out in front of both you and Draculaura as if you block you two from the monster in front of you. Then he stepped up close to the werewolf and poked their chest with his other hand. "Don't forget your place, or I'll make you remember."

Frankie and Abby stepped away from the group as Bram continued to sneer at the werewolf, while the werewolf continued to growl at him.

Finally, after a few more seconds, you grabbed onto his arm, "Alright, well, it looks like it's, uh, time to go. Come on." Then you pulled him away from the encounter while Draculaura switched to holding onto Clawdeen.

"So, what was that about?"

You had pulled Bram into a more secluded area of the school that wasn't yet considered vampire or werewolf territory. "You saw the way he treated two ladies such as yourselves. I couldn't just stand there and let him take advantage of two pretty little ghouls. Especially for some mere accident."

Your hands were placed on your hips as you continued to stare him down. "Really?"

"Really." Then he held out his arms, "Now, I believe that I just saved you from getting into a scrap. Don't I deserve a hug for that?"

"Don't you have a girlfriend for that?"

You started to walk away from him, "Actually, we broke up just yesterday." You stopped upon hearing those words and turned back around to face him.

"You two broke up? Why?"

"What can I say," He grabbed a rose from a nearby vase. It had a gradient that went from white in the middle to (f/c) on the outer petals. "I never realized how beautiful other ghouls were before." Then he held it out to you. 

You stared at him with your mouth wide open. You were completely speechless. You slowly reached your hand up to the flower and allowed him to place it into your hand. You shivered a bit as his fingers brushed up against yours. His skin was really cold. You were so shocked, that you almost missed as he blew a kiss your way while walking away. Almost. After he did that, you waited for him to turn the corner, then sprinted all the way to your locker. 

You caught your breathe and quickly input the lock code. You opened the locker and were met with your reflection in the small mirror you possessed in their. You used both your hands to fix your hair, but paused in your ministrations as you noticed the rose, still tightly gripped in your hand.

You lowered it and looked at it as it remained in your hand. Then, you gave a soft smile. No manster had ever said something so sweet to you. You took the lid off of a partially filled water bottle, and set the flower inside of it as a make-shift vase.

You slowly closed the locker, all the while not losing contact with the flower till the door had closed all the way.

After a few more deep breaths, you lifted your hand off the locker door and decided to finally head to class.

Fangs and Howls [Bram x Reader x Romulus]Where stories live. Discover now