Big News

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Headmistress Bloodgood just called the whole school into the theatre. After getting past the crowds, you found Frankie, and the two of you went to find the rest of the fear squad.

"Wonder what this is about." The two of you sat in front of Deuce and Abbey.

"Hey, as long as we're missing class, I'm cool."

As Deuce finished his remark, Manny Taur walked by, only to have Spectra fly thorugh him, "My sources tell me this is going to be epic." Manny shivered as Spectra flew off.

"They probably want to give me an award." Cleo arrived as she took her 'reserved' spot next to Deuce.

Frankie gave her a side glance, "For...?"

"Being me."

Draculaura spoke up from a few seats away, "Hey guys, it's your kid sister, all grown up."

Clawd and Clawdeen both looked over as she spoke, "Oh yeah. Hey, Howleen! Over here." As she motioned her sister over. "You wanna sit with us?"

Howleen gave her a little smile as she cupped her hands under her chin, "Oh, sit with my older sister!" Then she promptly dropped her act, "Tch, as if! How embarrassing."

You heard a few reactions from the monsters around you that had overheard.

"Is that my backpack?"

"Your old backpack. Yeah."

Clawdeen circled around her, "Did you paint it?"

"Mhm, more my style. Like it?" Then she walked off as Clawdeen growled after her.

"Can you believe her?"

Draculaura waved her hand in dismissal, "Come on, she just wants to be like big sis."

"Trust me, you don't want to get in the middle of this, I got the bite marks to prove it." Clawd raised his ankle to prove his point.

Crabgrass walked onto stage, well, if you could call it walking. She grabbed the microphone, "Settle down. Headmistress Bloodgood has some sort of announcement."

Bloodgood then rode on stage with Nightmare. After a dramatic introduction, that included throwing her head and having it land between her shoulders, she grabbed the microphone and stood behind the podium.

"Monster High has long stood for diversity, equality, and harmony among all monster species. We are the only school of our kind, and our success has not gone unnoticed. Which is why, the school board has decided to expand Monster High!"

From those words came a wave of confusion over the crowd. You all couldn't help but murmur in question.

"Starting Monday, we will be opening our doors to the Vampires from Belfry Prep and the werewolves of Crescent Moon High!"

The banners of the said schools fell from the ceiling to show off their crests. Between them, the Monster High banner fell to simulate our uniting of the schools.

From a little away, you heard Draculaura's voice pipe up, "Other werewolves?"

Along with her, Clawd and Clawdeen spoke up as well, "Other vampires?" and they gave each other a look.

"The merging of our schools is the first step to a much larger goal. A merging of all monster schools. And eventually, Normie society!"

"Yay!!"From a few rows back you heard Jackson Jekyll yell, and from the corner of your eye, you saw him standing. However, after realizing he was the only one standing, sat back down.

After Nightmare clopped her hoof against the ground a couple of times, we all settled down enough for Bloodgood to continue, "Which is why I've chosen a special group of students. The ones with the most ghoul spirit to form a welcoming committee."

Then, multiple spotlights started to move around the audience. You heard Cleo's voice mumble, "Ha, I wonder who those poor souls are."

Then, you felt the heat of the spotlight over you.

"The Fearleading Team!"

Everyone looked scared, well, except for Frankie. She seemed thrilled.

'Well, maybe this won't be so bad...'

Fangs and Howls [Bram x Reader x Romulus]Where stories live. Discover now