Bram's Ending

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You'll notice I have yet to mark this book as complete. So...


With Van Hellscream and Crabgrass defeated, you could all get back to the party.

Lots of people were dancing, but you decided to stay along the sidelines once again. Not like you didn't want to dance, or couldn't, but after having to find your way around the catacombs, dancing sounded a bit too exhausting.

"Hey, wanna dance?"

Looking over, Bram stood there with one of his hands outstretched towards you. He was a handsome manster, that much was for sure.

Suddenly, you had forgotten about being tired. 


Taking your hand in his, the upbeat song turned to something much slower as soon as the two of you made your way to the dance floor. It almost seemed like it had been planned.

Gently, he rearranged your hand in his grasp and laid his other hand onto your lower back. The two of you started to gently sway a bit to the rhythm.

Looking back up at Bram, you had to admit that you really enjoyed his company.

He was really sweet to you, he had given you a sentimental gift, he had even left his girlfriend!

Speaking of Gory, you let your eyes wander off of him for a bit to try and find her. She seemed to be enjoying her time with her newly found zombie friends. The vampires no longer tried to enslave the zombie population, which was a great thing in your mind.

Holding your chin between his fingers, Bram brought your attention back to him. 

Smiling down at you, you knew that you needed to tell him.

"Can we go somewhere private for a minute?"

"Of course."

Continuing to hold your hand, Bram led you out of the party and into the quiet hallway.

"So, okay, I know that you like me, I mean, you left Gory and you gave me a thingy, so I'm pretty sure you like me. But, anyways, I just needed to tell you, I kept your flower, and I think I really-"

"I love you too."

Stopping your rambling, you looked back up to his smiling face, and smiled back at him.

It looked like you were nervous for nothing.

Placing a tender kiss onto your forehead, Bram wrapped an arm around your shoulders and led the to of you back into the party.

With Bram, you felt like a princess. He loved to pamper and spoil you, and made you feel very loved.

You weren't sure how Romulus felt about your decision, but, he would want you to be happy, right?

Fangs and Howls [Bram x Reader x Romulus]Where stories live. Discover now