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August POV

She made my bed for me while I was in the shower obviously. I hadn't noticed before.

"Thanks for making the bed by the way. Preciate it."

"There was nothing else to do."

Well, logically thinking. My girls usually wake up whenever I wake up. I take a piss, come back to the bed, they say good morning, go downtown for a hot second, put they clothes on and bounce.

So technically there was plenty to do. It just wasn't done.

"Most girls do a lot of stuff. Especially in the morning."

"Well giving a stranger head in the morning does not count if that's what you're getting at. Plus I'm not most girls."

"I can see that."

"I'm glad you can see that, now can you see me a way of getting home?"

"Why in such a rush to leave."

I sit back down on the bed. We face each other again as she still sits on the chair.

"You want me to be anxious to stay in a stranger's house?"

"My name is August."

"You said that before."

I smile while I say, "Well I just wanted to say it again."

"Great...and me getting home?"

"I don't know where you live Meg-"

"It's Mimi."

"I don't know where you live Mimi."

"I'm a big girl-"

"You a thick girl", I say under my breath.



"I can guide you on where to go."

"Can I guide you to my kitchen and make you breakfast?" I ask with a grin little kids make when they ask they mama for something.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because it's still morning. And what else you gotta do at damn near six in the morning?"

"There's a lot to do at all hours in the A."

"One breakfast won't kill you."

"You right, it won't. But strangers will."


"You sure you know how to cook?" She asked with "frown" in her voice.

Mimi POV

He said he could cook... that's what my ass get for trusting a stranger.

I jump out of the stool and tend to the mess. Toast pop out of the toaster, burnt black. The eggs were steaming in the frying pan, no longer looking like eggs.

"You suck."

"You sucked last night" He say under his breath. It probably wasn't meant for me to hear it but I still did and laughed a little.

"You got a pretty smile. Too pretty to be so mean."

"It's a mean world chef."


We ended up going to a waffle house and eating there. I felt odd dining with August but at least I can refer to him as August.

And not 'stranger'.

I was getting full off the waffles.

"You full guhh?"

I laughed hard at his cute familiar accent.

"You must be from-"

"NOLA, 504 babeh," he chuckled showing his pink gums and white teeth. He was beautiful, truly.

"I thought you sounded familiar."

"Familiar?" he questioned "you from there too?"

"Nah... but I'm from Louisiana. Baton Rouge."


"Yup, born there at least."

August picked up his glass of orange juice and held it in the air. "Toast"

I picked up mine too and we clinked our glasses together and August say, "Toast to Louisiana."

I roll my eyes playfully.

"What brings you to ATL all the way from the Rouge?"

"My grandma brought me here when I was little."

"Why? Why did you leave Nola?"

"For better."


"And what?"

"And did you seek 'better'?"

"Maybe. Only time will tell."

I don't know what he means. But whoever knows what a stranger means. I grin at the thought.


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