Mixed Emotion's And Treasure Hunting

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Just the sound of his voice made me want to disappear into my blankets. He knocked again, and I was sure sooner or later he would bust the whole door down. “What do you want Landon?”

“I need my partner to come help me with the scavenger hunt. Everyone else has started to look; we got the first clues at breakfast, which you didn’t show up to. Now hurry up I want to win this thing,” he complained.

I let out a very loud and frustrated scream while burying my face into the pillow to muffle the sound. All I wanted to do was sleep. And of course, even that little request was too much.

“I’m sick,” I replied giving off a little fake cough.

“Very funny.” Landon responded immediately.

Deciding to ignore him, I brought the blankets over my head to block out the sun and closed my eyes. A few moments passed before I heard the familiar sound of my window creaking open.  I knew it was Landon, but I refused to get up or even acknowledge him.

Once I heard his feet it the wood floor of my cabin, I tensed up a bit. He walked over to the bed and ripped the blankets off my head. Grumbling, I cracked open an eye to observe him. His dark brown hair was ruffled on the top of his head, and for some reason, his eyes didn’t make me want to melt. Yeah, he was attractive, but something kept me from thinking about him in a more, well, heart racing way.

Wow, I never thought I’d say that. Or think it...

“Can’t you tell I’m trying to sleep?”

“Can’t you tell I don’t give two cares if you’re trying to sleep? Remember, I’m the big bad wolf, now get up.”

I laughed in his face before turning over to my other side. Before I even got all the way situated, he grabbed mye and plucked me out of bed like a rag doll. Despite my attempts to pull away, he carried me to the door and pushed it open. Then, without putting me down he brought me outside and towards the lake.

Oh God, no please. “Don’t you dare!” I shrieked knowing what his intentions were. There was no way I was going in the lake.

He chuckled. “Help me!”


“No buts, help me or you’ll be taking an early morning dip!”

He brought me closer and closer to the edge of the dock, and my thrashing back and forth did virtually nothing. He was only three steps away when I finally spoke up. “Fine, I’ll help you!”

“Good,” was his immediate response before he threw me off the edge of the dock and into the chilly water.

Oh how I hate Landon.


“It says, ‘Underneath your feet I am, hiding just below the sand. In the water I could be, or near the shore, or by a tree. I am not far off from your reach, just come and find me at the beach.’”

I took the clue from Landon’s hand grumpily and read over the words he had read aloud. The water dripping from my wet hair reminded me of just how irritated I was with him. He nudged my arm as if waiting for a response.

“Chill, you are lucky I’m even helping you after what you did,” I spat angrily looking over to the only beach at camp. It wasn’t too big, and a few trees stood by the edge, looming over the yellow sand.

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