The Note.

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Hey hey! Just so you know, I edited the prologue. But I need to edit it again later to fit the storyline. So, don't be surprised if the facts aren't straight yet. Finally, I know where this story is going.... Sort of. Haha! BTW, I AM GOING TO CHINA NEXT MONTH! For a competition... BUT STILL! :D Okay, that is all, you may proceed. ENJOY!!! :D


Cath's POV

Have you ever had a dream where you are looking down from a tall place, and seeing the tiny things on the far ground, anticipating a fall? Then when you are just planning to step away, someone pushes you, only to jolt awake the moment you start to drop?

Well, that is exactly how I feel today. I have this nagging feeling, like someone's going to push me off the edge. The question is, what?

It's February now. Exactly 4 months and 12 days since I was selected as Role Model and I love almost everything about it. Last month, I helped Ned out with his fund-raising event for a tragedy that happened right here in Tarson Wood Hills. A family of 4 lost everything in a fire. Guess how much money we managed to raise? 3271. The power of Role Models.

I love making school life better for the TA students too. The hall monitor I picked out at the beginning of the year is a cool guy whom no one wants to disrespect because he turns a blind eye when guys pull harmless pranks. I don't really mind that because I love a good prank. It makes life interesting. So far, deciding on Gordon as the hall monitor is one of the only two things Ned and I seem to agree with.

Speaking of Ned, he is still as cold as ever and I don't really like it. It stinks to be partners with him when he only responds with crude remarks when I try talking to him.

Today, I am listening to our Biology teacher lecturing about Mitosis and Meiosis, the only topic I don't get. I mean, I understand it is probably important, in some unknown way, but do we really need to know the names of the processes? Nonetheless, I still take down notes while plotting my next move as Role Model.

Someone passes me a note. I decorate my title for this chapter before unfolding the neatly folded piece of paper. Christy's paper. I know it's hers because of 1) her grown-up, messy, kind-of cursive-ish handwriting and 2) the paper, which is in faded purple. She loves purple.

So? What did she say to you? :) ~C~

I roll my eyes, of course she's curious. The teacher starts rubbing the board and I scramble to copy down as much of the random facts as I can. After a moment, I forget about the note completely, losing the purple paper in the pile of Biology notes on my desk. Seriously, we need bigger tables. I concentrate on the teacher for the rest of the lesson.

Ally, next to me, leans over and whispers to me, "Cathy, what's up with your cute little psycho? Why won't she stop bugging you? What does she want?" She says all of this so fast, I only catch what's-your-cute-bugging-she-want.

Wait, what?

"Ally, can you please talk slower, there is no need to show off your awesome speed-talking." I whisper back, smiling at her. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Christy trying to get my attention when our oh-so-clueless Biology teacher has her back turned.

She waves dramatically as if the subject matter is a serious crisis. Her left elbow hits Eddie, the guy sitting next to her. Weirdly enough, he turns red instead of shouting "Ouch" or something. I lightly shake my head and suppress a giggle, she can be so hilarious when she's trying to be serious. Ironic, right?

You see, Christy, short for Christy Anne, is in the drama club, which explains her personality. Always the drama queen, and also the prom queen, party queen and other types of queen. She's one of my best friends, the Quirky One in The Circle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2012 ⏰

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