The RMA.

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  • Dedicated to Alyha Sa Sa

Hey! First Chapter! Woohoo! I hope there will be readers and voters and other-ers! Enjoy my fairly short chapter. Forgive me, but if you want the next chapter, can I get 5 votes on this story? I know this game is old, but it's my first time.  I want to see if it really works. Anyway, ENJOY!



I guess I should be ecstatic. I'm not feeling it though.

Everyone hugs me like I'm a rag doll, pulling me one way then the other. I smile as brightly as I can, trying not to wince, for fear of hurting my loving friends' feelings. They are all saying, no, screaming "You got it, Cath! YOU GOT THE AWARD!"

Let me free you from your poor, confused minds.

The award they're talking about, it's the RMA, the dream of every student in Tarson Academy. I know, not what you're expecting at all, is it? After all, Tarson Academy IS a high school. You can say it's different, or even weird, but in Tarson Academy, being a role model is a huge deal, being nominated is already amazing, being the winner is beyond incredible.

Past Role Models grow up to be successful in whatever they do, since everybody who is anybody knows what a big deal it is to be one. They are practically celebrities as it also means getting respect, admiration, immunity and most of all, attention.

Okay, maybe the way our school works is not THAT different from other schools. Attention is what most teenagers seek in their hormonal years. But there is a slight difference, people in TA are mostly nice, of course, some may have deceitful intentions, but they act discreetly. If anyone ever finds out these people's plan, they will be isolated. As a teenager, you should know how horrible it is to be alone, since fitting in is the main goal in high school.

Anyway, back to my story.

While my best friends are being way too excited for me, I am thinking about a book I was reading last night. It was really interesting, the author wrote it with so much passion, I teared up a few times. I had to leave it at home, because I can never focus if  I bring it along with me to school.

My best-best-best friend, Ally, notices that I am not mentally there, so she stops bouncing up and down and asks me if anything is the matter. I shake my head, still smiling. She only looks at me, suspicious, knowing I am lying already. Sighing, she pulls me to one side, ignoring the curious looks other students are giving us, and asks me again. "Are you okay, CeeCee?" I know I can't lie to her, so I tell her about my weird, numb feeling. "I don't know, I have been waiting for EVER for this moment, but now that it's here, I can't help but feel numb. Is that normal?" I ask, worried.

She rolls her eyes, smiling cutely. "Oh Catherine, you complete weirdo. I guess it's normal. Maybe you haven't fully registered the whole thing. Here, let me try something." She closes her eyes and looks at the floor, so I can't see her face, since she's half an inch shorter than me. After a second, she looks at me, her face full of joy and excitement, and it's creeping me out a little. Without warning, she starts jumping around me while chanting "CATH GOT THE RMA! CATH GOT THE RMA! CATH GOT THE RMA!" I just stand there, waiting for something to happen to me. Hmm, nope, nothing.

People around look at us for a few seconds before joining in, chanting louder and louder until  it becomes one single deafening cry.


Slowly, I start to feel a warm glow, I think I am finally realizing what it means. I look around at my supportive friends, and then I smile, a genuine one, this time. I hold up my hand, signalling everyone to stop, the reaction is immediate. As if they had rehearsed this since the begining of the school year, everyone stops at the same time. "Woah, that was so cool!" I exclaim as I walk up the raised platform they call a stage.

I accept the award, shaped like a shooting star, made entirely out of glass, symbolising a rising star. I give them my best smile, after all, they do deserve it. "Hey you rocking awesome people! Thanks y'all! Aww... I love you so much for giving me this. Seriously! I'm so glad I have most of you as friends. Peace out!" The teacher beside me gives me a pat and good-naturedly shoos me down the "stage".

I am swallowed up by students, all desperate girls wanting attention, congratulating me. Not that I can blame them, I was once one of these girls too. Now that I am a Role Model, wow, that sounds so strange, I am determined to give them what I would have wanted if I were them: Real attention. I want to let them know I care for what they have to say to make the school a better place. My former weird feeling is long gone, all I feel now is complete happiness.

Surrounded by best pals, getting the RMA, looking forward to next year, when I will be the ROLE MODEL. Everything is perfect.

Well, that's what I think anyway. How am I to know how hard it is to keep up the reputation as a 'perfect' young lady?


So? How was it? It's not reality, but it's different... Right? Not everyone in this world is in the middle of a major crisis. As you can probably tell by now, It's not going to be sad and depressing. I like stories with emotions, but I like stories with cute minor problems and lovely endings too. I hope I'm not scaring you away. If you still like it, why don't you vote? :)

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