#3/ saddle up

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I wake up before Bill, he's acute dragon, WHAT NO HE'S NOT! I see smoke coming from his nose, that makes sense. He grumpled and opens a golden eye,"are you awake". I roll to the front of his head. He lowers his head and I step off it. "Hay go to the living room and wait I have a surprise" he spoke as he changed back to a person. I nod and head off.

-Hour later-

I hear footsteps approaching, "hello" I call to the person, who is Bill. He chuckled and drags me to the front of the cave. I front of me is a huge black  leather saddle. I wacth Bill walk out of the cave and turn into a large golden dragon. He looks at me and points a claw to try saddle and then points to his back. "Here we go"

-30 minutes later-

I finally get the saddle on Bill. He hums to himself as I mount him. He shifts his wings, and starts to fly. Slowly ascending into the air, I see clouds getting closer and closer. "So what is it that you can see" Bill asks, "I see little Pine trees" "that's a pretty good nickname, Pine tree". I kinda like it. He starts gliding through the air, I see birds underneath Bill, every thing is so small.

We start to go over the town. "BILL!" "What pine tree" "can you stop over at that house in the woods", I ask pointing to the tavern. "If I die it's your fault" he replies as he dives towards the ground. I love the adrenaline rush I'm getting. Bill lands on the ground crushing brush underneath him. I dismount and he turns back to a guy, a pretty hot guy.

We walk towards the tavern and walk in, Bill has a hood over his horns. I walk to the bar and see Mable serving someone else, we sit on some stools and wait. "So we landed for a drink?" "Yes now shut up" "fine" Bill grumpled. Mable shuffles over to us and sighs. "Welcome to the mystery shack what can I get you" she says unhappily. "Wow, you seemed to have covered for me, I'm impressed" I speak, she finally gets a good look at me and gasps. "Thank god your back! You can have your incredibly boring job back". Bill pulls me close and almost hisses. "Pine tree comes home with me!" He spat, Mable glared at him. "Ok.... How about we finish this in my room.... I have to pack". She nods and we all walk to my room.

We reach my room, we've gained two people in this posse. We all step in and I go to the closet and garb bags. Bill sets on my bed and answers questions as bluntly as he can.  I pack the begs to yeh brim. "Bill, I hope you have saddle bags" "why wouldn't I". I say my goodbyes and we leave.

We walk deep into ten forest before Bill turns to a dragon, I load the bags and mount him. "WAIT!" a voice screams, we freeze.

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