#2/ Bill

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Very scared... That's all that's running through my mind. He sighs and pulls down his hood, revealing glossy black horns. "Cool!" I say as I bolt over to him and start touching them. "Uhh what are you doing?" He question I pulled back my hands, "sorry, it's just they're really cool!". He laughs, "what" I question. He looks at me with joy in his eyes, "you blush when you say sorry", well that's new. He laughs more "you blush a lot". I feel my face heating up. "Alright since your staying here from now on I'll show you your Chambers", I stop what I'm doing. "FROM NOW ON" "well ya, I can't have you leaving now can I" "and why not?!" "Cause you know my secret" "oh".

We walk to my new room. It's really nice, the walls are stone like every where else, it has a dark blue color palette, and lots of fire, for example a fire place and candles. "Like it?" "Holy

Crap!!! This is amazing!". He laughs at me, "ok if you need anything, I'll be down the hall to the right, not left" "ok thanks.... What's your name?" "Bill Cipher, and you?" "Mason Pines but call me Dipper". He nods and walks off. "Bye the way, Good Night" I hear him call from the hallway. I giggle and head to sleep.

-hour later-

I woke up with a start, I can't rember why, I just do. I go to the hallway, there's a glow coming from down the hall. I head down and look, there is two doors, one my left and another to the right. The glow is coming from the left door. He told you not to go in there, but if goingi to live here you should know what's in there, good point. My mind debates itself, I open the door. I peek inside

I see Bill, this room is huge, lots of gold and valuables in the corner. Bill is in the center of the huge room mumbling to himself. "So if the legend is true that would make him..... No he can't be" he mumbled, I creep closer. He is sitting back towards me. I go up and tap his shoulder, he jumps and glows bright gold. "AHHHHH" I shout and cover my eyes to block the light. "DIPPER! I told you not to come in this room" I hear Bill's calming voice, except it was really loud, I haven't uncovered my eyes. I feel something grabbing the back of my shirt, I open my eyes and see me dangling in the air. "Calm down" I hear Bill mumble, "Bill wre are you" "hold on". The thing holding me launched me in the air. I scream. And then land on something shaggy. I pet the shaggy part, I hear purring, "bill?" "Yes dipper" "what am I on" "me" "HOW" "I can turn into a dragon" "THAT'S AWESOME". I walk along what I think is Bill's neck up to the head. I look down his snout, am spit my head right in front of his eyes. "Why Hello" he says making his head move. I giggle and lay on his head, as he lays on the ground. I pet his head, he purrs, I slowly fall asleep.

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