#11/ the living gift

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(don't get your hopes up about the tittle)

I walk around the village, every one gives me looks. I hold my head high, but my heart is crying out. A few weeks me and Bill crushed the town's prison. They 'love' us now. I only come down to town to buy food. Bill begs to come but I think they may kill him if they see them. They tolerate me.

Anway, today is not a grocery day. Tomorrow is Bill's birthday day! And he made sure to remind me of it. So, I'm here to get him a gift! I look through the shop windows. Nothing that he would love. I shift my backpack. Just as 8'm about to give up I hear shuffling at ten back of a store. I walk back there and find the perfect gifts. I put them in my bag softly and head home.

-next day-

Bill comes running into my room. Just as I finish wrapping the presents. He bursts through the door and starts jumping up and down. "I wonder what you want?" I tell him sarcasticly. "Did you get me anything?" He asks. I giggle and grab one of the gifts. He gasps and grabs it, he trys to shake it, I grab his arm "no shaking". He nods excitedly and starts ripping apart the paper. He looks at the wooden crate in front of him. He looks at me and cocks his head. I giggle and he turns the box around, I covered the bars with papper so he can't see in it. He slowly open the crate's door. I sneak up behind him and scare him. His eyes don't move from the box. "You got me an empty box?" He asks not looking away from the box. "I shouldn't be empty!" I tell him. His eyes grow wide. We hear a noise from the box. Slowly a white muzzle pops out. Followed closely by a bright blue head of a cat. "YOU GOT ME A CAT!" He yells at me. The cat runs back in the crate with a yelp. Bill gasps and squats in front of the box. He holds his head out and slowly the cat comes up to him. The cat sniffs his hand. Bill gently picks the cat up. The cat sniffs him then meows in approval. "What's his name?" I ask Bill. "Basil" He bids at the cat. "Why Basil?" I question. "He looks like a Basil" Bill answers. Basil gives a meow and jumps down from Bill's arms. He lays on my bed and just stares at the other present. Bill follows ten cat's gaze and saw ten present. The bolts over to it and opens it quickly. He opens the second wooden box. And out flys a flash of yellow and black. Ten flash stops at my bed post. Then it jumps on the bed. It sits on my pillow and stares at Basil. "She has a name already" I tell Bill. "What would that be?" Bill responds as he inches towards the yellow and black cat. "Rosemary" I tell him. Bill hums in approval. Rosemary then proceeded to beat up Basil. Bill then launches himself into me. "Thank you!" He tells me as he nests his head in my neck. I giggle and. Wacth the cats play.

Bill cat is Rosemary and Will cat is Basil

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Bill cat is Rosemary and Will cat is Basil

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