Just a Little (Prussia x reader lemon)

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Gilbert casually walked into your room. He had a big smirk on his face. You were sleeping peacefully, snuggled in your soft blankets. He liked watching you sleep, but this day Gilbert had other plans.

"Frau," Gilbert called to you. He put his hand on your waist and shook you. You jumped up, startled.

"Gilbert!" You screamed at him. "How many times i told you not to mess with me when I'm sleeping!"

Gilbert chuckled to himself, "oh shush Schatz" He laid his hand firmly on your shoulder. "Sind Sie mein kleines Kätzchen bereit?"

"NO DAMNIT! I WANT TO SLEEP!" You growled. You rolled over, turning your back towards your boyfriend.

"Kesesese bad girl," he cooed. Gilbert grabbed your covers and pulled them as hard as he could. You went twirling in the air. "GILBERT!" You landed on his lap and he held you like a baby. "Vhat liebe?"

You screamed in his face. "Jour breath sticks Frau!" Gilbert pushed you off him and held his nose. You landed on the floor at his feet. You glared at him then flipped him off.

"Verdammt nochmal!" He cursed.

You decided to stop playing hard to get so you crawled onto the bed and kissed him passionately. You slowly made your way onto Gilbert without breaking the kiss. Gilbert rubbed from your waist down, making you feel all warm inside. You giggled while still kissing him.

Gilbert turned you both over, your hands unbuttoning his jacket. He had no shirt on under it, surprisingly. You threw his jacket on the ground then rubbed his abs. You lifted your head and slowly licked his abs making him moan.

You tossed your head back and Gilbert violently attacked your neck with kisses. You moaned softly. Gilbert laughed a little. He then swiftly took off your pajamas and underwear. 

"N-n-no wait a second Gil-"

Without warning Gilbert went inside of you. You winced a little from the pain but you tried not to cry, not now anyways. Gilbert increased in speed as well as your moans getting louder. 

"Gilbert don't stop!" You pleaded.

He kept up the speed for at least 20 minutes until your mom burst into the door. He looked wide eyed at your mother. He quickly got up and put on his clothes and you did the same.

"You aren't using protection, are you?" Your mother asked.

"N-no mommy," you whined.

"Good, because protection is bad for the soul," your mother laughed.

Gilbert and you both laughed with her. You totally forgot your mother is a lunatic.

"Be gone demon," she pointed at Gilbert.

"Night, Liebe." 

"Night Gil."

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