Depressed!Flippy X Bestfriend!Reader (Lemon ono)

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It was a rainy day, You were sitting at the edge of the small river
 waiting for your best friend, Flippy. His brother, Russell (Look in description ouo),  Died of heart failure, Due to cancer (Look in description). You told him to meet you at the first place you met, So you could tell him something. Finally, Flippy emerged from the tree's, Looking around for your figure, Before stumbling over to you and falling to his knee's, Burying his face in your shoulder, Crying his eyes out, You tried not to  cry, Knowing Russell wouldn't want you to cry, He would want you to be happy. You decided to sing one of Flippy's favorite lullaby's, Only wanting him to relax, And to not cry. You began to hum and rock back n forth, Hugging him to you, You began to sing lowly in his ear, "Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird won't sing, Mama's going to buy you a diamond ring.". You visibly saw his muscles relax, As you finished the first verse, He then looked at you with the most saddest eyes you've ever seen him produce, He whispered, "I...I...I try not to cry... BUT ITS TOO HARD", He then broke into hysterics again, You then draped your jacket over the both of you, Not wanting for either of you to get sick. Then Flippy did.... Something.... Strange....

~Flippy's P.O.V.~
I've noticed something... (Y/n) has always been there for me, I've developed feelings for her... Feelings that wanted me to make us more than good friends... I planned to do just that. I was still crying from earlier, The rain started coming down harder, But we didn't care, I crawled over her form, Blocking her from the rain. I look into her beautiful (e/c) eyes, Before closing my own, And leaned my head down to kiss her. I didn't know if she harbored the same feelings as I did for her, But, I just had to kiss her. I leaned back up, Too see her wide eyed, Staring at me, I turned my face from her, Looking at the tree a few feet away from us, Blushing like a mad man. She then free 'de her hands, And used them to make me look back at her, She then leaned up and kissed me, SHE KISSED ME! I looked at her confused, Only to see her eyes closed, I decided to close my own, And enjoy the kiss.

~(Y/n)'s P.O.V.~
As soon as I kissed him, I felt him kissing back, I wrapped my arms around his slender neck, Pulling him closer to me than before, I opened an eye and saw him blushing madly. I giggled into the kiss, And saw his eyes flutter open to stare into mine as his arms wrapped around my torso, He glanced down at my shirt then back at me, I knew what he wanted, And I nodded. I felt him break the kiss, And pull my shirt off of my torso gingerly, As if he were afraid I were a glass doll and one wrong move, And I'd shatter. I looked at him and took his shirt off, I kissed him from his chest to his lips, I loved how adorable and vulnerable he looked when he blushed. I then rewrapped my arms around his neck, We continued kissing, He then tugged at the belt loop on my jeans, Looking me straight in the eye for any signs to continue. I slowly nodded, Not sure if we should, But, He just lost his brother, I wasn't going to be the rain on his parade, Besides, Engaging in such actions with him, Was exciting, I've always loved the green eyed, Green haired soldier.

~Flippy's P.O.V.~
I gently glided the ripped jeans (Y/n) wore on her legs, Setting them aside for later usage. I then tugged my own off, So we would both be in our undergarments. I then stared down at her, Searching for any signs of discomfort, I wouldn't force this on her, I wanted her to be comfortable with this. I couldn't bare the thought of (Y/n) hating me for this. I gently kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear in a voice that was scratchy from my heart wrenching crying, "(Y/n), Are you sure you want to continue...?", She stared at me before nodding and emitting a small "Yes, As long as its you..".I gently guided her undies off her legs, And unhooked her bra, Before giving her a sweet kiss, As I removed my bowers and entered her. I opened my eyes and kissed away her tears, I then looked at her, Staying completely still, Waiting for her signal, Seeing her nod a yes, I slipped out half way, And slammed back in. This continued for a while, Us sharing kisses, Me pleasuring us both, But all good things must come to an end. I soon felt my release coming on, I looked at her giving her a look telling her I was close, She nodded, And I quickly pulled out. W weren't ready to be parents, So we were going to be smart about it. We shared a sweet kiss, Before dressing each other and spending the rest of the night star gazing from within the hidden branches of the tree's, Where we ended up sleeping, Before I fell asleep, I sent up a prayer to Russell, Telling him he would be dearly missed, His place could never be filled, But that (Y/n) was there for me, How I'd always love her. We then fell asleep in each others embrace. 


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