Surprise!! Flippy x Reader!!

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The Surprise You've All Been Waiting For!!!!

Flippy knew he had done wrong... He wasn’t perfect, Nobody was. He was always hated.... Even though he was innocent, He was hated. Yet, Here you were. Your (h/c) mane flowing behind you as your (s/c) legs brought you closer to him with every leap they took. He looked up at you with his forest green eyes, Even though they had tears streaming down from them, He gave you a weak smile. He fell onto his back when said female leaped into his arms, She gently straddled his waist, Her beautiful, glowing (e/c) orbs lined with tears. She barely made eye contact with him before she leaned down to kiss him. When she leaned back up, She stared into his eyes. He then said in a quiet, broken voice, "Why is it that you love me...? I’m a monster... Something to be hated and feared.", By the end of his sentence, The tears he’d been holding back leaked from his eyes. She gently raised a (s/c) hand to his face, Swiping the tears from his cheeks. She then spoke in such a gentle voice, It felt to him as if she were an angel, Speaking to him, Convincing him to follow her to heaven. He was snapped out of his thoughts by her voice, "Flippy, I do not care for what others think of you. I will always love you. Just please, Make me a promise...Come back home... Not just for me... But for Us....". She gently took his hand and placed it on her stomach. His eyes followed her gentle movements, Before looking up at her angelic face, Before a smile bloomed on his handsome features.

*Fast forward 5 months*

Flippy stood in the doorway to the entrance of his old home, Holding (Y/n)'s face, Gently wiping away her tears. He then gently knelt down on one knee, To gently kiss her stomach, where his unborn child rested. He then stood back up and placed a loving kiss on her lips. "Please... Come back from this war, I cant raise this child on my own...", Her voice choked off from her tears. He then gave a small smile, "I'll write to you every night, I promise you wont have to go through this alone. I'll come home, You're not alone.". Flippy then gave one last glance at his home, and wife of 5 years, Who carried his child... His own child..

*Timeskip to Flippy's war training*

Flippy now stood amongst his comrades. A black haired green eyes fellow named Nuclear, And a silver haired emerald eyes fellow named Zunger. He had come to know these men as his own brothers. He then began to write another letter to his wife,

"Dear (Y/n),

Its a living hell out here. Hows the baby and yourself fairing? I've met two other men, Zunger and Nuclear. Their nice fellows. Zunger’s the silent type who does what he's told without.

While Nuclear goes against everything our sergeant tells us. I won’t be writin' a lot soon, We're movin' base camps and I don’t know how long it'll take, But remember the old meadow we met in...

If I don’t make it back alive, Please bury my uniform there, And give my dog tags to our child. I love you.

~Sincerely, Flippy."

Flippy then went to find his sergeant so he could mail the letter before he went to take his nightly watch before they moved out to the next base camp... To bad that letter never made it....

*Mysterious timeskip*

Flippy awoke to a pounding in his head, Only to find himself and his two fellow comrades tied together, Their hands and feet bound together. He wearily looked around, Only to find a soldier with whitish silver hair and cold, blood red eyes. "Ich should just already start torturing your stupid arses. Since you were so stupid enough to let us infiltrate your camp, Of course we're awesome like that." Then another soldier walked in on the scene, This one was a tall, tan man, with chocolate locks and livid green eyes. Unlike the other man’s rough German accent, His was a smooth Spanish accent. Flippy's forest green orbs flickered between the two soliders, Before a voice rang out and the Spaniard knocked him out, The last thing he felt before being completely enveloped in darkness, Was the sensation of being dragged. He awoke to the screams of poor tortured soldiers. He could identify the screams as Nuclear. "The poor bastard...", He mumbled to himself, Before trying to wriggle himself loose. He knew what was going to happen, They were going to torture him for information about his base camp and their plans. He’d rather die than betray his comrades. He immediately stopped when the Spaniard marched in through a door that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. He then walked over and bent down on his knee so he was eye-level with Flippy, "Now tell me, señor, If you tell me what information you know, We will not torture you, ¿Sí?". Flippy glared at the man before he let out a sigh, "Ah, maldita sea, Él es una una terca!". The man gave a dark laugh before he pulled a knife out of his pocket, And rearranged Flippy so he was laying on his stomach, He then glided the knife over his shirt, Cutting it so he had more access to the skin of his back. "Ahora comienza la diversión".

*Warning: Squirmish readers beware this is a torture scene and was concocted in the depths of my fucked up mind!*

The man began to cut a symbol onto the poor soldiers back, Causing said soldier to scream out in agony. With his hands restrained, he couldn’t fight back, Just merely endured the inflicted pain. Soon the man stopped carving. He picked up a lighter and began to retrace the cut with the flames, Causing Flippy to choke on tears of pain and endless agony. The man gave an insane cackle before he grabbed a piece of iron, And heated it with the flame before slamming and pressing it down onto the poor soldiers arms. Flippy's body could no longer take the pain, So he merely passed out, No longer wanting to endure such agony.

*Another timeskip*

Flippy found that his back had ugly scars and that "Maldito Bastardo" had been carved and burnt into his back. He almost cried thinking about all the agony he had endured. He had found out that Zunger and Nuclear were given the same treatment, Only Zunger survived. They said what finally killed Nuclear was when they poured boiling hot water onto his bruised, bloodied, and burnt back. He had also received word that his fellow soldiers were going to try to get them home. He just hoped it was soon. He wanted to see the beautiful soon to be mother and unborn child he had left behind.

*Timeskip of 4 months >:D*

It was done. He was finally free. He could finally go home. Although he still had the horrible burn marks and scars left, He could finally be in the arms of his loving wife and possibly his new born child. He had received word that while he was in the process of being rescued, His child had been born, And it turned out to be a young, healthy baby girl, Who had been named Faith, She also had the most beautiful blue eyes, Flippy thought they might've looked just like his mothers. But he was coming home. To his queen and princess. His kingdom would be complete again.

*Last timeskip lol*

Flippy stood in his army green soldier attire, Wearing his hat atop his head and his dog tags around his neck, Along with Nuclear’s. Zunger stood next to him. Since his family had given up on the idea of him being alive, Flippy welcomed him into his home and family with welcoming arms. When he knocked on the door, He saw the most beautiful thing in his life, His wife with her (h/c) tied up in a messy bun, Wearing a black camisole and ripped faded blue jeans with their baby on her hip. He looked at his beautiful baby's firey orange locks and sky blue eyes before leaning forward and placing a gentle kiss on (Y/n)'s lips, Pulling them both into a hug as tears leaked from her eyes, She looked past his shoulder to see one of the soldiers that Flippy had told her about in his letters. She then spoke in the same kind voice he remembered from before the war, "A-are you Zunger?", Only earning a nod from the man, She gently handed Faith to her father before wrapping her arms around Zunger's middle, "Thank you! Thank you so much for bringing him home, In repayment, I would be honored if you stayed here with us... Please.". Zunger gave a small smile as he watched the small family be reunited over the many years of war that had torn them apart. He was glad and honored to call them his family, As well as Flippy his brother. Flippy felt as if he had died during his many months in that hell hole and had gone to heaven. But in truth, The soldier's came home.

~A/N: This is dedicated to not only my faithful fans but our veterans who fight for our freedom and safety. I might go back and add a lemon to this but only if this gets 10+ votes; Thank you for being ever so faithful; �

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