Chapter 8

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Ty's POV

I ran round, screaming she was gone. Jerome ran out of his room, just as I ran down the stairs. I got to the door and ran out into the cold dark night.

I ran and ran until I was lost on the streets. I collapsed to the floor, out of breath and crying. My hands punched the ground, until I think I broke them.

I screamed up into the sky. I screamed for Kayley, I screamed for my dead mother, I screamed for my fans but most importantly I screamed for murderers.

I felt something land on my nose, it felt wet. Then I looked up and saw snow falling from the sky.

My face stung and my arms ached. I put my head in my hands on the floor. My muffled sobs came out loud and I hated it. I looked up to see nothing. All it was was thick fog, I didn't know which direction to go in, and I left my phone.

All I knew know was that I might never find her, the love of my life. I never knew that a girl like her could be so intriguing.

K can still feel her lips upon mine, so soft and small.

Its a lie. Nobody's perfect is a lie. She was perfect, but know she's gone, and I can't find her.

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