Chapter three

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Kayley's POV

I got off the plane, and ran into the building, setting up my stall. I pulled my hoodie right down, watching as TC came past, I saw Ty look at me and wink. I giggled and put my hand over my mouth.

"Do you know that girl?" Asked Adam to Ty.

"You know me, its Kayley." I answered, pulling my hood down. As soon as I did that, fans rushed over.

Wow, I have a lot of fans. I began to sign stuff and looked up and saw two girls.

"Why do people look up to you, your not strong, nice or funny?" She questioned.

"Yeah, your more! Your an inspiration, Kayley. Your strong, gorgeous, funny, kind, relaxed and the best person in the world!" The girl behind them said, I gushed happily.

"Thanks." I said to the girl behind. One of the girls in front punched me, I called security and they were taken away. I gently touched my cheek and cringed. I focused on the nice fan in front of me. She held a foam diamond sword, and asked me to sign it. I did and added a thanks for sticking up for me on the end, then I took a foam sword out from underneath my booth. She looked confused, until I gave her her sword back and came out from my booth. The fans gasped, people rarely did this.

I put my front foot forward slightly and leaned forward. The girl mirrored my actions. I smirked at her before striking her with my foam sword.

She blocked and our foam swords aligned together softly. I pulled my sword back, and 'stabbed' her in the stomach.

"Ah!" She fell back dramatically, clutching the air. I placed a foot on her stomach once she was 'dead' and threw my hand up triumphantly in the air. The TC booth stared at me. I winked at them and people cheered. I took my foot off the girl and helped her up.

"That was fun," I stated, "At around 4ish come back to my booth will ya?"

"But minecon closes for a few hours while they're setting up the panels," she looked confused.

"Exactly. If you have a booth or you're going on a panel you can stay. I'll see you then!" I explained to her, before going back to signing and taking pictures with so many fans.

After a lot of signing, it was time to get the panels ready. I waited for the girl to come back, and she did. Her brown hair flowed behind her.

"Hey, I don't think I told you my name. I'm Michelle, but call me Minx," she told me. A spark jolted me in my body.

"Minx as in TheRPGMinx?" She nodded, "You're so gorgeous! Can I have your auto graph?" She smiled at me and signed my shirt. We talked for a while, mainly about why she didn't have a booth and about showing her face.

Then it was time for her to join the other fans to where I was going next.

I had to sing.

At least I liked the song. It was fallen kingdom. I sang and when I finished, silence. And then...


The claps died down after seven minutes of it. I walked off stage and high five Ty. The day went smoothly then.

It got a bit later and we went out for lunch. I ate everything and then realised I had nothing left.

"Someone's pouting cause they have no food." Ty said. I stuck my middle finger at him and he turned to Adam, shocked. I quickly stabbed a wedge of his chicken on my fork then smiled at him.

When we got home I was pushed against a wall by someone. I sighed and tried pushing them off, it didn't work. I looked at him and it was Adam. He gave me a rough kiss and then told me,

"Oh, Kayley there's gonna be abusing for you." And the next few days were torture.

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