Chapter Twenty Three

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Dont start la music.

Oscars pov

I feel as if the world is against me.

I walk into the gates of the school trying to keep my head down to avoid people.

Thats my life now.

People haven't dropped Lukes curse thing, if anything its gotten worse and since we dated, everyone thinks either i can now curse people or that i am cursed.

But in reality i was cursed before I even knew him.

But its different for him and me. People are scared of him, will avoid his eyes at all cost.

But me, they just want to bother me.

The past week of my life has been the worst. Abby has been on holiday, luke hasn't spoke a word to me and james is sick, if Tyler hadn't been here god knows what would have happened to me. I had nowhere to go all week and for some reason my dad has been angrier lately.

Sometimes i wonder if he just wants to hurt me, or if he's really out to kill me.

"Hold up fag boy." I turn around and frown at Peter. "G-go away." He shoves me into the locker.

"Wheres your little protection squad?" I frown and look away.

He throws a few punches and kicks before his phone goes off. "You're lucky i have better shit to do today Harris, or id dig your grave myself." And with that he walks away,

Leaving me on the ground hoping he would have killed me.

I sigh and open my locker and look around. I feel my heart ache when i see Luke and sarah flirting with each other. I lean against the locker and close my eyes.

"Hey oscar?" I slowly open them to see Tyler stood infront of me. "Ignore him, hes trying to make you jealous." I smile and gather all my things before walking away with him. "How long have you guys not been together?"

Too long.

"L-like t-three we-weeks" he nods.

"OZZY" i turn around to see Abby run towards me. Just before she passes Luke she looks at the two in confusion, pushes him to the side making him fall and continues to run towards me. We all smirk but stop as soon as we see Luke walk over with sarah by his side.

"Was that necessary?" Abby smirks at lukes anger. "Is your lying slut necessary?" He pauses for a moment and glares at her, as though trying to burn a hole through her head. He turns to walk away but before he does we make eye contact.

It lasts about 10 seconds, but feels like a lifetime.

It feels as if he is trying to read my mind, but it doesn't work. He just looks and walks away.

"So h-how was eng-england?" She smiles. "Great, its cold there though and all i could really think about was this whole situation but it was fine."

"We ju-just gotta m-move o-on" they shake their heads. "Oscar you've done nothing wrong! And we're gonna prove that." I nod slowly.

"Hey guys." We smile as james walks over.

"Heyyy!" He smirks at abby. "Welcome back bitch face." She gasps. "Shut up shithead." They continue to bicker until the bell goes.

"Whats f-first?" Tyler pulls out his timetable and cringes. "Maths, sorry oz" i groan and walk towards the classroom.

I hate maths. Luke has been avoiding the lesson for a while but has to be in this week since his attendance is lowering.

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