Chapter Eighteen

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Tylers pov

"I fucking hate this school." I smirk at the brunette whose currently storming towards us.

"Whats up?" She frowns at James as she sits down. We're currently sat in the back of the Library since nobody often comes in here meaning no annoying freshman. "I just- todays not going as planned."

"W-why not?" She groans.

"First of all I had a pointless detention with Mr Jones because someone in my class didn't return a glue stick and we all had to sit there for half a fucking hour! Who does that! Then when I came out I saw this girl walking towards me and she was looking at me and this bitch just shoves past me." I laugh. "Didn't you technically shove past her too." She shakes her head.

"No we had room between us, she went out of her way to barge into me." I sigh.

"Ok but who was she?" She frowns.

"I DONT EVEN KNOW! She must be new. If I see her again im throwing hands." Me, Oscar and James laugh at the crazy girl beside us.

"Hey Oscar?" The smaller boy besides me turns and hums. "Since we're best friends, long term pals, my cousins boyfriend can-"

"Y-yes Tyler you ca-can copy my science homework." I grin and sling an arm around him.

"You see, this is why we're so great you and me, great minds think alike." Everyone laughs.

"Yeah that and because you ask him every other day so he just assumes." I glare at Abby. "Shut up, just because I don't copy off you anymore since you got that maths test completely wrong." She scoffs.

"You shouldn't have copied me anyways! And it's not my fault i'm used to being sat next to James who is easy to copy. Now i'm stuck next to you." I roll my eyes. "Please you wanted to sit next to me."

"I specifically remember asking to sit on the opposite side of the room to you." I smirk. "Because you can't stand my handsome charm?"

"In your dreams."

"Anyway, what lesson do we all have- WAIT THERE SHE IS!" I turn my head to see a girl standing facing a book shelf.

"Who?" She glares at me. "The girl who shoved me before dumbass!" I mouth an 'oh' before looking at the girl again.

"She looks kind of familiar, god where have I seen her from before?"  Moments later, my question is answered.

"Lukie! Oh my god I missed you!" We see the girl run over to Luke who just walked through the door.

"Shut the fuck up, no way- thats it, open the windows, I'm jumping off the roof." Abby looks at me confused.

"Who is she Ty?" I slouch and rub my forehead. "Its only the most annoying bitch ever from Lukes old school. Luke and her where like best friends, but I and the rest of human kind hated her. She gave me a whole bunch of icks just from spending a few days around her. I spent a lot of time around Luke back then so I saw her a lot and god she made me want to rip my ears off. Shes only nice around Luke since she has a major crush on him. Shes pure evil im telling you."

Abby turns and glares at her and Luke who are stood across the room. "If she makes a move on him, I'll kill her I swear I really will." I chuckle and nod. "Count me in."

Sooner or later the two walk over. "Ty look, its Sarah! Remember from our last school?" I nod slowly and thin my lips.

"Heyyyy Sarah, hows... things?" She smiles her ever so obvious fake innocent smile. "Great now I found this handsome devil!" Awkward laugher fills the group.

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