Chapter Ten

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Tylers pov

I groan as I push open the door to the grey building that makes me want to run for the hills every morning.

What? I don't like school, can you blame me?

"Mr Daniels why are you only coming into school now? It's lunch." I turn to the side and smile at mrs clarkson. "Didn't my mom call? I had a serious doctors appointment." She hums.

"Okay so you slept in again." I groan. "Can't you just pretend you believe me." She hums. "I could, but I won't. 20 minute detention tomorrow break." I groan and take the slip as I walk away.

Stupid alarm clock not waking me up.

"Daniels is gonna kick his ass again." I frown and turn to the person who said it. "What do you mean?"

The younger boy, probably a sophomore turns to me and points behind him. "Some dude said some shit to him and Daniels looked like he was ready to kill someone." I slowly blink and groan before jogging in the direction he pointed in.

Great, first thing monday morning and I'm basically babysitting my slightly older cousin.

I eventually turn the corner to see Mr Falcon pulling the two apart. "Look I don't care who started it heres you're detention slips. You guys are seniors, act like it." Luke walks away glaring at the paper.

"Are you wanting to fight the entire school now or?" He looks my way before stuffing the paper into his pocket.

"Leave it Ty shits dumb anyways." I frown and follow him. "Well it's clearly not, what did he say?" He rolls his eyes.

"He was stood in front of my locker, I told him to move, he was fucking rude about it and when he finally moved he said some shit about the stupid fucking curse thing, I told him to watch it, he shoved me and I punched him. Told you it was dumb." I hum.

"Ok, sure it was one of you're dumber reasons to punch someone but it's somewhat understandable... for me that Is your mom and dad are gonna kick your ass." He smirks. "My dad will just complain, i'll have to hide from my mom though."

I laugh before patting him on the back. "Yeah yours mom can be terrifying. Anyways wanna go grab lunch." He shoves my head causing me to almost fall.

"Obviously dumbass it's lunch." We walk into the canteen and both groan at how busy it is. Just because it's raining doesn't mean we all have to be in this tiny ass canteen. I look around before grinning and dragging Luke over to a table.

"Hey Abby can we sit with you guys." The trio on the table turn to us and smile. Recently me and Luke have somewhat spent more time around them. We share a lot of the same classes and often find ourselves talking to each other.

It's nice seeing Luke talk to people other than me.

Abby looks up and hums. "Luke you might want to change your last name. Wouldnt want people realising youre related to that idiot a." I pout.

"Is this because I accidentally gave you the wrong answer yesterday?" She scoffs. "Tyler I copied you because I watched you google the answers twenty minutes before. How did you manage to google it and still get it wrong?" I huff as we sit down.

"Look there was too much to read I skimmed and wrote down the gist." She rolls her eyes. "Yeah the wrong gist apparently. Now we have detention tomorrow lunch." I grin.

"Yeah but it's fine, Lukes gonna be there too so the three of us can just I don't know bully mr falcon or something." She raises an eyebrow and turns to Luke.

"Why do you have a detention." He sighs. "I punches some dumbass, don't even know his name."

"W-why'd you fight hi-him?" I silently shake my head at Oscar but he doesn't look my way. God may he rest in peace if Luke kills him.

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