Chapter One

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⚠️TW! This book will include homophobia, abuse, sexual assault and forms of self harm. Please know there is always a different option to s/h and know you are loved. If you need any support please feel free to dm me or contact someone you love or professionals. I also do not in no way mean to romanticise any of these subjects as i have too dealt with a lot of them before either first hand or through others.⚠️

((A/N I know it feels very stereotypical in the first few chapters but I swear it stops - also i wrote this when i was 13/14 pls give me a break))


Oscars POV

I stare at the sign standing in front of the large building, dread falling over me. The school I attended is called Westwood high, but I along with many other students see it as well... hell.

While squeezing the straps on my bag, I cautiously walk through the heavy doors of the building, not wanting to be overwhelmed by the large amount of students gathered in the halls. "Well if it isn't little Oscar Harris" I smile at Mrs Clarkson, the office lady, grateful of her warm welcoming.

"Are you back for good this time?" I hesitantly nod as she hands me my timetable, a soft smile never leaving her face. As I glance over it I make my way up the stairs towards one of the English classrooms.

((A/N This is random but Oscar looks kinda like mika from seraph of the end, hope that gives you an idea.))

The school hasn't changed. Same posters and work boards hanging on the walls, its like I was never really away, and god I wish that was true. I had left school around 6 months ago because of my dad, he- he isn't doing great...

But its fine! I've made it to my last year, just one more year to go before I can leave. I look up and realise I'm stood next to the right room. I take a deep breath before knocking on the door, not wanting to barge in. "Come in!" I gently step in only to be greeted by my cousin Lizzie, also known as Miss Perry the English teacher.

"Oh my god, ozzy!" I watch as she practically dives across the room to embrace me in a hug, ok not what I was expecting. My body stiffens which causes her to let go and send me an apologetic look. I dont really enjoy physical contact, sure its not unbearable but sometimes... sometimes its a little overwhelming. She's the only person aside from my uncle Andrew who knows about my uh- situation.

"I missed you so much! Are you ok? I'm sorry I haven't gotten you a lunch! I didn't know you was coming back! I can go out and get you one!" I shake my head. "I d-dont need one, t-thank you. I'm just g-glad to be out of t-the house."

She sends me a sad look, so I smile back. "Im f-fine I promise. I'll s-see yo-you later! I w-want to g-g-get to class early." she nods but stares intently at me, as though shes trying to say a million words through a look. "Oscar... are you ok? Like- like actually ok? I've seen you twice since you left." I smile, my lip slightly trembling, but I hold it together. "Im o-ok." She sends me another doleful smile as I wave goodbye and begin to walk towards home room.

((A/N the stutter isn't an uwu shy boy thing, it's a neurological thing you learn about later!))

I hate the way she smiles so sadly at me, as though there's no hope for me anymore, like my life has already ended.

I slowly open the door to the classroom down the hall only to be greeted by Mr Jones. "Ah welcome back Oscar! Ready to start fresh? Senior year is important you know!" I nod and take my seat, the anxiety of exams already overwhelming me. I keep my head down for the next few minutes as other students begin to slowly fill the class.

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