Chapter Two

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Luke's POV

I slowly make my way to science, not at all excited to learn about shit i surprisingly already know. "Mr Daniels you're late" I look up and nod at Mrs Blue "So?" She frowns. "Half an hour detention." I smirk and look away.

You would have thought she'd learn that I don't do detentions from the 700 I've already missed.

I look around and daydream for the rest of the class, already bored with what she's saying. My issue is that I'm currently placed in the lower set classes for most of my shit because they assume that since I don't follow their rules i'm dumb, which I can say I'm probably not. I know my shit. I just don't care enough to show it.

The only thing I want is to leave this small old town, to escape everything I know and start fresh, now that for me doesn't come by paying attention to things I already know, so I teach myself the stuff I need to know and ignore the old hag currently stood at the front.

Look, i'm not like this because it's cool or funny or because i'm above everyone. I just have no reason to follow their rules. Nobody here treats me like anything but an unlucky charm or a number on a page, so why should I act the way they want me to when they quite frankly don't want to impress me.

After what feels like years I finally hear the bell and storm out, ignoring Mrs Blue's call. First day back and I already want to leave. "Bro wait up" I turn around and stare at Tyler. Tyler is the only person who doesn't deserve a punch at this school... most of the time.

That's why I only talk to him.

"What's for lunch?" I shrug and walk towards the canteen. "Dunno but I wouldn't be caught dead eating it." He laughs before shrugging. "You only say that because your mom is an elite sandwich maker." I roll my eyes before shoving him. "I'll give you ten bucks to fucking grow up." He laughs and continues to follow me.

"Lily hmm, whose the useless bitch?"

I slowly turn around to see Peter smirking at me. I shrug tylers hand off my shoulder and walk over without saying anything. "Come on Daniels, don't get so angry over a worthless slut." Before I can even consider stopping myself, i've already punched him.

I continue to hit him, he tries to hit back but struggles to find a chance to. By now people are crowding around us.

I grab him by the collar and hold him up. "DONT FUCKING TALK ABOUT ME OR TOO ME EVER AGAIN." He nods his head and I throw him to the floor.

He then smirks.

"DUDE YOU REALLY ARE INSANE! YOU'RE GONNA KILL ME! HE ATTACKED ME BECAUSE I LOOKED INTO HIS EYES!" I frown. "You know damn well that isnt-". "Mr Daniels is this true?"

I turn and look at Mrs Blue and shake my head. "The bastard was talking shit," she scoffs. "Language!" I grit my teeth but don't respond. "Did anyone hear who started this?" I glance around the sea of students that have now surrounded us.

"Oscar Harris said he heard peter provoke him!" I stop and turn to the voice and glance in the direction everyone is looking at. At the end of the path of eyes is a small blonde boy with dull green eyes.

Who is he?

"Well? Oscar? What happened?" The poor boy practically shrinks even smaller and goes bright red, embarrassment clearly flooding his mind.

"I- I uh... I"

Mrs Blue sighs before turning back to me and peter. "Look it doesn't matter who started it, you know the rules, no fighting. Detention for both of you." I groan as I walk away, not wanting to be caught up in anything else.

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