Chapter 4 - Identity

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                                                       Gaurdian - Chapter 4- Identity

                                                                        Aria's POV.

As we walked down the hall, I waved to some of my friends, I hadn't seen in awhile. We chatted a little about our summer breaks to each other before class, and over all, all doubts about today faded.

 "You guys see the new guy that transferred here?" Lucie said as she walked up to us out of nowhere. She was another one of my friends and she was the most energetic girl I knew.

 "No!" everyone all said at once. A bunch of my friends all started gathering around Lucie, waiting for her to continue.   

 "Well, I hear he's a junior, like us, and when I heard about a new student I didn't really care, but when I saw him get out of his oh-so sweet Mercedes, while I was driving by, I almost ran him over!" Laughter and giggles from the group could probably be heard from the main office, which by the way, was on the other side of school.

 "Why, what's wrong with him?" asked another girl named Leslie. Interesting I didn't even see her join the group either.

 "The question is, what's not wrong with him. He's perfect! One look at him and you might all think about dumping your boyfriends. He's like an angel sent down to Conner-Prep High.

 So, this so called angel was the one pissing me off this morning. If so, I wouldn't exactly call him an angel. Then it hit me, not literally, that, that was the reason he parked in my parking space. He was new and he didn't know the rules. I won the parking space from a dare and I wasn't planning on ever giving it up until I graduate.

 "Oh my gosh," girls said to each other while they were fixing their hair, applying make-up, and asking each other "do you think he likes blonds and another girl saying, "Of course he does." One look at Yasmen, and we read each others thoughts. We both walked away, when no one was paying any attention to us. No matter how good looking he was, we weren't boy crazy. I don't care for boys like most girls do. I don't need them to be happy and thankfully neither does Yasmen.

 Yasmen and I formed this secret group. It's called "The Anti-Boy-Crazy-Group." I know how corny right, but what do you expect we were only eight and I guess it just stuck to us, after all these years.

 I walked into class with Yasmen. I always loved sitting in the middle. Not too far from the teacher so I couldn't see them and not too close for the teacher to see me. I circled the room with my eyes for any new faces, but I didn't see any. The new guy must still be in the office. Oh well, I'll soon get to see my mystery "let's piss of Auria," boy, someday and that day was really soon.

 Students started to pour into the class rooms, since the bell rang, and still no sign of him. I was starting to doubt he would be in this class. I really wanted to see what all the fuss was about. What was so special about some guy anyway?

 After all the students were in their seats, the morning announcements started. No one ever listened, so they all began to chatter with the each other. I noticed the teacher still hadn't arrived yet; weird, there usually the first ones here.

 The door opened and everyone went silent.

 Our homeroom teacher walked in. Her name was Mrs. Riddles. Followed after her was our Principle. He was a small man, kind of geeky looking, but he had a big heart.

 "Good Morning students, and welcome to a new year. I hope you had a great summer, but now it's time to get to business." Mrs. Riddles was never really one of those teachers that connected with the students and let's just say it was better off that way. A few moans here and there and the class went silent again.

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