sugar,spice and everything nice

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"Maybe it hasnt sunk in yet ya know? being a dad."    Me and tony are laying on they roof on his house half stoned just thinking about shit.

"Yeah, i guess..its gonna be a sexy baby though"

I turn my head in his direction and laugh." What?"

"Like your  tan skin or kellins flawless pale skin and his eyes, you're smile?"

"Dont forget the sugar and spice."

"And eveything nice?" 

We burst out laughing at how lame we where, i missed  this, hanging out with tony.

I sigh "kellin.. he really dose somthing to me..i havent even known him that long and hes already a big part of my life."

"Yeah..its weird how one day your life just drastically changes like that.. out of nowhere. "

I nodded and looked back up at the sky. Tony and i remained silent for the next few moments untill  he suggested  we head back inside.

" bedtime!" He cheered

"What ? Its 10:30.."

"Schools tomorrow  and you dont wanna be to tired to fully enjoy your first day at jefferson." He grinned climbing into his bed scooting over enough to let ne me in,

"if you think im sleeping in a bed with you you're high"

"Shut up and get in"

I gave up and layed next to tony. We slept  back to back.



"OH MY GOD GO AWAY i hate you." I said covering my head with the blanket.

"Alex and jack are gonna be here in like 3 minutes to pick us up come on"

"Im not even enrolled yet!"

"Yes you are, you forget my moms girlfriend  is the principal "

I groaned and hesitated to get up. "Ya know kellins  gonna be there"  the mention of kellins name made me jump out of tonys bed.

"I dont have any clean  clothes." I ran around tonys room frantically.

"I got you " he smiled.


I decided  to take my car to school instead of getting a ride from alex and jack, but i had to follow them cause ive never been there before.  

The second  i parked and got out of the car i was met with the great kellin Quinn.

"Hey baby daddy...oh god you look fricking adorable!" Kellin ran up to me and attacked  me with his lips.

I smiled through  the small kisses.

" hahaha shut up. I didnt have any clean clothes so tony let me borrow his."

Kellin looked at me up and down. " i think its sexy." He winked. I dont know how a shirt that says 'band whore' is sexy.

"Come on!" Alex yelled for us.

Kellins pov.

I took vics hand. Omg i have a boyfriend  that goes to the same school which means i can be apart of the people that flaunt there relationship around school.

When we walked into the school  vic was getting looks not weird or strange looks but more like 'daaammnnnn' looks.  That caused me to cling to him tighter giving all those thirsty boy glares staying hes mine.

"So what classes do you  have?"i asked him. Alex, jack and tony where off somewhere. 

"That reminds me, i gotta go to the office and get my schedule. .mind walking me ?" He asked  and held out his arm.

I showed him to the office but stopped at the door, "i gotta go to class..text me your schedule ok?" I pecked him on the lips and started to walk away but he grabbed  my wrist to spin me around and kissed  me again.  "See you later." I couldn't help but get gushy inside as i walked off.


Really short i know thats why im updating twice.

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