take me home tonight

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Didn't proof read soo sorry in advance.

" omg its perfect!  Thanks jack!" Tony screamed  in excitement  while  holding up the 'all time high' poster and shirt  jack got him for his birthday.

"You're  welcome  tony "

" its amazing! I dont have this poster yet, its going right next to my 'jalexis' poster" he examined  the poster.

"Jalexis?" I asked

"Its Alexis and Jacqueline's ship name"

"Im done" i walk away, tony has an unhealthy obsession  with  all time high, he follows at least 10 blogs on tumblr about them and spent  over $350 for concert tickets  plus  meet and  greet. 

this laser tag place  reeks of old cheese  pizza  and birthdaycake, little kids screech as i search for kellin.

"Whoa uh.."  well i found him. He was all over some tan guy basically sucking his face off in the corner  of the laser tag room,  it  was a really  cramped crawl  space made for hiding  while playing  freaking laser  tag!  Not for two horny teenagers to make out in.

"Players you have 5 minutes " the voice over the intercom thing announced.

"Kellin!" I yelled but they acted as if they  didn't  hear  me.

"Kellin bostwick!"  Still nothing,  they  kept on mouth fucking eachother. This is ridiculous,  where about to sing happy birthday  to tony and kellins back here making out with some gu- OMG...KELLINS  MAKING OUT WITH  SOME  GUY!!! At that second  all the lights  in the big foam lined room with foams walls and structures  switched  on leaving kellin  and this guy more visible.

"This is an instagram  moment" i say taking my phone to take a quick photo of this.  Kellin must of heard the shutter  of my camera  cause his head snapped to my direction, eyes  widen.

" what are you doing?!?" He yelled breathless.

" snapchating this to jordan and Ashton." i smiled before taking off running  cause kellin lunged at me.

" delete  it alex!" called after me.

" ok i already  uploaded it" i stopped  right in the party room that held tonys birthday  party.


" yeah" i said  like it was  obvious.

"To where"

"Just tumblr, Twitter,  instagram, snappchat, sent it to some people on kik, andddd jacks phone just now" i pressed the send button on my  cell.

"How  did  you do that in like 5 seconds?"

"well young kellin i--"

"OMG KELLS HAS A BOYFRIEND " i was cut of by jack.

"i hate you" kellin mumbled.

that second the guy that was molesting  kellins mouth walked in.

"Hi, im Alex,  kellins best friend " i beamed. He extended  his hand for me to shake. I looked at him like he  was crazy and gave him a big hug. 


"You smell good " alex whispered  in my ear. "Um..thanks?"  that was weird.

"Come on i want you to meet everyone" kellin yelled grabbing  my wrist and pulling me over to the table where the cake was.

"Vic! You came!" Tony yelled excitedly  jumping up and down. Hes adorable. I laughed and told him to calm down.

"Did mike come?" Tony asked looking around hopefully, like a little  kid . I didnt want to upset him, its his birthday so i sighed  and said "he'll be here, hes just running late" i smiled.

Tony smiled and went to his cake. It was a starwars cake.

"Vic this is jack, alexs boyfriend." Kellin said gesturing  to a tall boy with strait brown hair with a blonde streak, He hugged  me too. Kellin introduced  me to all his friends, which was only a ginger  named Alan, Alex  and jack.

After like 100 rounds of laser  tag, cause Alex  and jack kept winning. Alan suggested  we go out and have a real party. We all agreed, he suggested  we go to a really popular night club.

Alan and tony rode  with jack and alex while kellin and i toke my car. It was already 11:39pm.

Both cars pulled up to a wide black building with hot pink neon lights  that read 'lollipop twinks'. There wasnt a line but there was a bouncer at the door, Alex, jack, kellin and Alan  flash fake IDs, im 18 so i didn't  have to. When we got into the club the first thing i was your stereotypical  gay guys as waiters,  they where shirt less and look like they used just pure body glitter at lotion.

"In da cluubbb-turn up turn up wheres da bitches"Alex  sung swaying  his hips and hands.

"Jesus alex ..please stop it." Jack said walking quickly into the crowd of people. Alex followed.  Everyone ws doing there own thing well me and kellin  where at the bar.


"A round a whiskey  please!" He yelled to the bartender.  He thinks he out drink me. ..no amigo.

"Kellin ...you can't out drink a Mexican. "

"We'll see" he winked at me

After 5 shots. Kellins  dancing on tables. Almost fought  this one guy while jack managed to lose his shoes and on top  of that  we all got kicked out.

Tony was wasted, along with jack and Alan.  Me , alex and kellin where a little  buzzed.

"I'll take  them home..kellin  you coming ?"

"No i wanna go with vic" he grabbed  my hand tightly.

Alex nodded  and  toke the three boys to the car.

"Lets go to my house, my little  sister  is at a sleep over and my moms should  still be out." Kellin said rubbing my thing very close to my...yeah. i felt a tension  one there.

I nodded and made my way to kellins. The whole ride there he was kissing and sucking on my neck and it was driving me crazy!  We almost wrecked twice. My pants got tigher and tigher.

"You're  so sexy vic. " he whispered  in my  ear biting it.

"Were..um here" i cleared my throat pulling into kellins drive way.

"Come on...i wanna show you Somthing " he winked and hopped out the car. I followed.  Kellin unlocked the door, once we where in kellin attacked  me. His  lips crashed  against  mine and he wrapped  his arms around my neck. I kissed back , my hands traveling  up and down his body. Are bulges rubbed against  each other causeing  us to moan threw the kiss.

Kellin led us back to the couch. We fell, with me on top of him.

"Shouldn't we do this ..somewhere  else?"i asked breaking the  kiss.

"Shut up." He silenced  me again with his lips.

I guess  were  doing this here.


Smut next chapter 

Sorry  ive been slacking on updates ita just  got a new lap top and I've  been playing  sims like crazy .

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