Day one without Hayleigh

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" I think back on the years we shared. All the times you stood be me. All the pain you wiped away. All the things you ever said." - In This Moment, You've always believed


They'd sedated me.

That's all I remembered. After Ms. had spoken to me, they injected me with something. It made me sleepy. Kinda tired.

And I woke up to this room. It's nothing like my old room. No papers, no posters, no nothing. Just plain ol' white. Do I even look like a mental person? Nooooo, I don't.

Hayleighwouldn'tlikethismuchwhite. Shehateswhite.


I remember now.

The traitor.

I began to tear up as I remembered her words. "Good." It came up so many times in my dreams. Or nightmares. Every day is a nightmare without her. I can't do this any more. Wiping my tears on my shirt sleeve, I looked around the room. There was another bed inside. That side of the room looked so girly. There was probably a girl living in the room. But doesn't that go against like rooming rules? Noo boys and girls mixed together? I don't even know any more.

The door to the room opened and a girl with short raven-black hair stepped inside. She looked taller than Hayleigh but song or age. Provably eleven at most. Why was she here? Was she forced like I was? I stepped off the bed and walked towards her, which she backed away from. Frowning slightly, I stopped and stretched out my hand. She just stared at it. Maybe she didn't know proper curteosy.

"My name's Josiah. What's yours?"

She looked at me and that's when I saw her eyes. Light gray with a touch of black at the sides in her left eye. Maybe she injured herself there. Yeah, maybe that's it. As I stared for longer, it seemed like I was drowning inside it. It seemed to gain colors and - Snap out of it Josiah! I blinked twice and when I looked back, her eyes were still gray with a touch of black. Nothing had changed.

"Meagyn. Why are you here. You were ditched."

I stumbled back as she pin pointed exactly why I was here. How did she know? Did she get that from just looking at my face? Or seeing me? Was she a mind reader?!

"I'm not a mind reader if that's what you're thinking. You look like you don't know why you're here, that you're but meant to be."

She took a step towards me and I  instantly took a step back. Umm, don't you know it's rude to start walking towards someone whilst you're talking because it looks like you want to start something, I thought curiously and cautiously.

"You're meant to be here."

"No I'm not."

She continued like I hadn't even spoken.

"It's destiny. Something's going to happen and it's gonna start with the person who left you here to do the outside things by themselves. You cannot escape this place. I've tried so many times."

At this point, she rolled up both of her shirt sleeves and showed me long scars of red marks, probably of her cutting herself. Hayleigh told me one time about that.

"You see, once they have you here, you will never escape. Never go out. No matter what lies they feed to you, you will not leave this place. Never. At all. It doesn't matter if you've been marked off as healthy and stable, yiu will never be able to leave once you've entered."

She backed away from me, the chills running down my shine replacing her position in front of me. Meagyn kept backing away until she reached the bathroom door then turned around to look at me. Maybe to say one last thing to scare me. She didn't make any sense. Why wouldn't they let you go?


Her words chilled me to the core and made me freeze. She smirked, probably finished with what she was saying to me. She then entered the bathroom and sat down in one corner of that room. My eyes widened when I realized that she was the girl that I saw on the security cameras yesterday I think!


I ran to the door and closed it.

I can't do this.

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