Into the past : 1

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"Me against enemies, me against friends. Somehow they both seem to become one." - Nicki Minaj, Fly


This sentence made no sense. It completely contradicted itself by itself. If you told me to define what I just said, I would probably shrug. God only knows.

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

It didn't mean the dog was lazy. Dogs aren't naturally lazy. They're fast. Quick. Foxes are sly. Yeah, it should've been called sly. It didn't make sense. No. I'm not saying it.

The quick brown dog jumped over the sly fox.

Makes more sense. Dogs are faster than foxes. Foxes only are fast runners when they are approached.

But the dog doesn't always is brown? It could be blue. Or red. Or pink. No, not pink. Purple. Yeah. Purple.

The quick purple dog jumped over the sly fox.

"Joah, do you not know how to say this? Like seriously? I can count to ten backwards! "

Yeah, that was Hayleigh. She could do it. At ten. Well technically, we were the same age. But I was three months older than her. Mine in May. Hers in August. Both 14th. Coincidence? Probably. Again, don't tell me to define or spell it. I don't know, check a dictionary.

I was only ten! I was not meant to have these pressures! Or responsibilities! Yeah, yeah, by ten I'm meant to know all of this but somehow it just doesn't stick properly in my head. I dunno, it just doesn't. I don't know how to explain it.

"Joah, can you at least try? The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog." She sighed after she said this. It must have been the fourth time she said this. Does she think I'm stupid?

"The dog is not lazy!"

"Joah, its not saying that it is by just saying that-"

"I don't care! It doesn't have to be lazy.

Why can't it be quick?"

"Joah, " She sighed again and rubbed her temples. She probably had enough of me. I don't care. The dog can be quick as well.

"The dog is only described as lazy because the sentence helps with your alphabet. It has all the letters of the alphabet in that one sentence."

I stared at her in awe. How did she know that? I asked her that.

"Remember Ms. Moskaei told us. In lesson on Friday. Don't you remember?"

Not if she was asking me. Normally, it would come back to me but I just don't know. Maybe if I thunk hard enough. Wait, is thunk even a word? You know what? I don't even care enough.

"You need help Joah. You really do."

"I don't."







"See you do!"

"No you tricked me into saying that! I don't need help."

"Josiah, you can't even read a simple sentence!"

"And so? I don't need that sentence in my life."

"But still, do you even hear yourself? You need everything you're taught in life! Even the simple things! Can you at least do something?!"

"I'm speaking to you. Does that not count as learning that talking or, arguing with you achieves nothing. Because all we do is argue."

"Arggh! I give up. I'm getting you help. Whether you like it or not." I was about to argue when she held a finger to my lips. "You better not say a word because you've tested my patience."

She stared at me and waited until I nodded, signalling that I would not argue then removed her finger from my lips.

"What does that mean, that I've tested your patience?"

The look she gave me just finalized my death sentence. She was going to find me help against my will. No matter what.

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