Part Ten

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Dakotas pov

Leah made me sit down and eat another muffin, I quietly ate it and listened in to the conversation. Maria and Paul came back and she looked much calmer, "I'm sorry about everything I did and said. I tripped up myself, Dakota didn't do anything." She confessed, "Oh we know." Seth said with salt, he eyed her up and down before patting onto my arm, I giggled lightly and looked back to Maria. "Can you forgive me..? I'm sorry." She said, I nodded my head and went back to eating my muffin. 

"Mummy! Daddy!" Sam and Emilys children came running in with messy faces, "Skylar took my damn toy again!" Joe said, Emily laughed and shook her head, kneeling down to pat onto Joe's head, "Sharing is caring, Joe. You always have your toy truck, you're her brother - share." Emily said, Joe rolled his eyes and looked over to Sam, "Dad, Skylar took my toy." He complained, ignoring Emily. I looked round to the others and smiled lightly, 'They're cute.' I thought, 'Yeah, they are.' Jacob agreed as he smiled widely, he got up and wiped at his face. "I'm going to head out now." He said, "Alright, see you tomorrow Jacob." Sam dismissed, "I'm leaving too." I stood up and stepped to Jacob. 

Pauls pov

"Look at them two go, they would make a cute couple." Jared chuckled, he stared out the door to watched Jacob and Dakota walk side by side over the small hill, I looked out to see him gently shove her and she did it back - both laughing. 

"They would." Sam agreed as he bit into a muffin, he looked round to Emily with a bright smile and I lowkey wish I was that happy in my relationship, I looked round to Maria who quietly munched her muffin. I stared at her with a blank face and sighed slightly, she looked round to me and smiled, "You alright?" She asked, "Yeah, just feeling a bit unwell, that's all." I lied, leaning back into my chair and looking around at the others, catching Sam staring at me. "Paul, come outside a second." He said, I got up and followed him outside, he closed the door behind him and lead me away from the house to a tree. 

"You're thinking about Dakota, aren't you? You're not over her." He said, "How did you know...?" I asked, "I'm your alpha, I know my pack members emotions. Especially yours. Now, what're you going to do?" He asked, "I am not happy with Maria, she gets too clingy and jealous all the time and it makes me tired of her. I know you only let her in the pack to get with me, she is your friend after all, but...she's not the one. she is." I said and looked down, "You've got to tell Maria, then you've got to win Dakota back." Sam said, I was expecting him to try and keep me with Maria but...he didn't, he stared at me and smiled lightly. 

"My pack comes before my friends, you being my brother of the pack and one of the first members in my pack, you're special to me. So, if you feel unhappy, I will help you." Sam crossed his arms, I nodded my head and looked over to the door to see Maria standing there, "She's eavesdropping...I can't get any privacy anywhere lately, can I?" I frowned, Sam turned and yelled "Go back inside, Maria!" He stared her out, "My boyfriend is unwell, I think I have the right to know what's wrong." She walked over and grabbed my hand. 

I pulled it away and sighed, "I wanted to talk to Sam, not you." I said bluntly, "Just tell me what's wrong, if you're unwell - I should take care of you." She said, "You're the....nevermind." I groaned, "Maria, as your alpha I order you to go inside." Sam said, "No." She tightened her fists and reached out to me, grabbing my hand again. My temper raising, I rose my arm and pushed her backwards. "Get off of me, god damn it. I told you, I want to speak to Sam so GET BACK INSIDE." I yelled, she stepped back and stared at me then she looked to Sam. 

"I told you nicely but you didn't listen, now go." Sam frowned, Maria sighed and rushed back inside, slamming the door shut. 

Marias pov

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