She's Coming Back With Me. (Part 2)

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"Don't leave me alone..." you curled up into a ball and sobbed on the floor "You promised...we would runaway together...why did you break it." you had mixed emotions both sad and angry but why be angry for something she has done good but made her gone? You just let it go, you wanted her back and you know exactly what to do. You were ready to go off the destination but to your horror when you opened up the door, you saw two policemen with handcuffs ready for your wrist "Kiddo you know what you did wrong." you stood there silent "Com on kiddo we don't have all day." you put your arms at the back and they handcuffed you "Fine..." you sigh as the two policemen escorted you to the back of the police car.

You arrived at the police station and they put you in a room which i think they're probably gonna question you blah blah blah but you didn't give a shit. Once there was no one in the room you quickly sneak out and ran out from the door. A policemen at the entrance tried to hit you with a pole but you duck down and ran as fast as you could. You could hear the police sirens coming for you, you took sharp turns and you're on your way to the abandon building with the shrine. While running on the road, you were so close to stopping but you heard a familiar voice "(y/n)! Hop on!" you turn to your side to see Nico on the scooter and hop on the backseat "Wanted from the cops huh? Where you headin' to?" "The abandon building." "Alright! Hold on tight this is gonna be a fast one!" Nico picked up speed and now you're going fast. The police were right at the back of you and they asked you to stop but of course not obeying them and gaining more speed. But at one point, the road suddenly was flooded and you needed to hop off the bike. So you hopped off and climbed on a fence to the train tracks which were closed "Just leave me here and go to the buildling!" "Alright i'll see you soon!" you then ran to the direction to your destination as Nico is now chased by the police.

You ran as long as 20 minutes now and you finally reached to the abandon building. While climbing up inside the building and almost out to the stairs, someone stopped you by grabbing your arm "(y/n) you have to go back to the police station!" you turn around and looked, it was Eli "But why should i? Please let me go, i need to save Nozomi!" you struggled but Eli was too strong for you "I'll get arrested remember." "But please i need to save Nozomi and when she comes back, i'll go home." there was a few seconds of silence until it was filled with policemen shouting for you. Eli then released you and you ran out to the stairs and climbed up to the shrine. Once you reached to the shrine, you went through it praying, eyes close and now you felt like you're falling.

You opened your eyes to see yourself falling from the skies. While trying to find Nozomi, you looked at a cloud with water fishes? surrounding someone? You swim your way to the person which is Nozomi and you see her lying down, crying. Once you got closer to her, you screamed her name "Nozomi...NOZOMI!"

Nozomi's POV

"I hope (y/n) would come and find me soon..." i sobbed. But then i heard a voice from a far "(y/n)? is that you?" i mumbled under my breath "Nozomi...NOZOMI! NOZOMI IS THAT YOU?" you heard her scream like she was crying for me. I sat back up and replied "I'm here (y/n)!" when she landed on the cloud, the cloud suddenly just disappear out of nowhere and both of us now are falling. I was falling ahead of her and we tried to reach for each other but she missed my hand until, finally she grab on my hands tight and interwined her fingers with mine "Nozomi hold on to dear life with me!" she said and we had our foreheads together, crying and seeing the tears fly off. We both looked at each other's eyes and here goes nothing "(y/n)cchi i don't know if we're gonna die from falling from the sky but if we do...i love you." i then took my chance to kiss her and that left me with my (y/n)cchi blushing "Nozomi...i do love you too." she kissed back and we both look at each other, now seeing the city view at the corner of our eyes as we were about to hit on land. We both held our hands tightly and closed our eyes as we were about to hit on the land.

(Y/N)'s POV

I opened up my eyes to see myself soaked and it was raining? But how? I sat up and looked around and to my surprise, me and nozomi were back at the shrine gate not dead. But then we were surrounded with policemen and i got arrested. As i got arrested, i saw one of the policemen picking up Nozomi. When he walked past me i spoke "Hey sir! Please take good care of her please." he looked back and noded. I was then escorted down the building to the police car and from there, i was off the the police station again.

~{Time skip to two years later}~

You were back at where you were suppose to be, at your hometown. You finally finished high school and you just wanted leave here since you were able to now. You packed up your bags and went on the ferry, wow really gives you memories when you were a stupid girl and ran off to Tokyo. Yes, you are on the way to Tokyo to look for a job. While nearing Tokyo, you forgot how it rained for two straight years and now Tokyo is flooded only to see majority of the buildings still up and running but also in water. You still can't believe Tokyo is still alive at this point after you and Nozomi?Nozomi? Wait is she still in Tokyo? You had a sudden realization but the thing is you didn't had her contact. So as soon as the ferry arrived in Tokyo, you when to Nozomi's house.

While on the pathway to Nozomi's house, you saw someone similar is that my love of my life? you decided to shout her name "Nozomi! Is that you?" she turned around to see you, you then saw her face that you remembered and ran up to her for a embrace "(y/n)?! It has been two years...i thought i lost you." she let go and kissed your soft lips and in a few seconds of kissing she let go "I'm glad to have met you here...i thought i lost the love of my life..." you teared up and felt a finger wiping off you tears "But now i get to see my lovely girlfriend with me~" she brought your face up and smiled. You smiled back at her and chuckled. You were so glad to have finally met her by luck after two years and there you go off, to have a future with you lovely girlfriend.



WOa look at me updating the book two days in a row ewfhnwieu but anyway i hope you enjoyed this story! i have been procrastinating doing this story but i'm finally done~~ i'll also try to do your requests that are way overdue i'm so sorry! but anyway imma rest now cya!

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