New Character: Shiny Ninetales

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You were quite alright with the fact of the creatures known as Pokemon suddenly showing up mostly because you were of course a huge fan of the series, but you weren't scared of them showing up because of what you'd gone through while overseas fighting in the special forces unit. Your body was covered in quite a few scars you'd gained after being captured as the rest of your unit had been killed. You'd been put through torture of electrocution, stabbing and being burned but only a few scars had remained visible upon your face maybe three or four were highly visible and any other could be covered since it was on your body. Anyway you'd yet to come across any Pokemon other than seeing a few flying types in the skies, so you decided to take a walk around the fenced in neighborhood full of veterans like yourself and first responders; there were a few civilians and ex-cons who lived in the neighborhood. Some were easy to get along with others you wanted to punch in their faces to set them straight, but of course you held yourself back because your brothers and grandmother won't always be able to bail you out if anyone were to you sue or call the cops.

So while you were taking a walk around the neighborhood you were carrying around your pistol that your neighbor built for you; and of course you had a permit to carry it at your hip but you mostly prefer to have it on your thigh out in the open so people know not to mess with you. Being in the military and going through what you went through has cut your temper in half and you don't really take anyone's bullshit once they make you lose your patience. You happened to hear the cry of any animal in destress and pain as well the sound of people yelling threats and cursing; and of course you had to check out of it since it seemed to be taking place at the dead end road in the area.

"Nine!" you heard yell out in pain as you watched a man chuck something in front of him. You knew it had to be a Pokemon and instantly got beyond pissed, these people hate animal abuse but want to abuse something that was different?! The fuck kind of logic was that shit?! So immediately you pull your gun from its holster and lift it into the air and fired two shots catching all the "adults" attentions as they whipped around to face you shock and scared at the sudden bangs.

"I suggest you all leave now and stop throwing shit at the Pokemon or the next round goes into a forehead... and you all know who I am and know I mean business so go on get out of here!" you spat pointing the gun in there direction which made them all flee like the pussies they are. Putting your gun back you looked at the beaten and scared Pokemon on the ground; and instantly you knew it was a shiny Ninetales. Such a beautiful and elegant Pokemon should not have gone through any of that abuse as a frown made it's way to your face. You began to inch forward cautiously with your hand held out in front of you to let it know you weren't going to harm it but try to help.

"Hey fella... it's going to be okay... I'm going to try and patch ya up... can ya stand?" you asked as it sniffed your hand but held some sort of glare in its eyes but you really couldn't blame it after what just happened how could it trust anyone else. Slowly and softly you began to stroke its fur trying to get the bloody matted fur apart; and that seemed to calm it down a little bit. Slowly you hooked your arms under it abdomen and began to carefully lift it up and began to the trek back to your house which wasn't far since you'd just started your walk. Once at the front door you set down the Ninetales to retrieve your house key and lock the door but making sure to be aware of your surroundings just incase something else wanted to threaten the animal and piss you off even further. Once the door was locked and open you picked up the Ninetales once more which seemed to be relaxed in your hold and entered your home before setting it upon your softest chair, then went to fetch the medical kit you kept from your service as well as the one who use when you help out the Cub Scouts with your neighbor. Once you return you went to mend the Pokemon's wounds but many were underneath it's before sliver fur and you didn't want to have to cut or shave it to get to the wound but it seemed like that was going to happen.

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