How You Met: Houndoom

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Your would effectively gotten use to the Pokémon phenomenon, but the people that didn't know much about the battling animals made sure not to use them as a pet for fear of what they were capable of. You were a person who loved them and wanted one as a guard Pokémon and one to love you. You never thought you could find one that could turn into the human.

One of your friends had their own Pokémon companion and was taking you into the shelter to find a Pokémon for yourself. You wanted a protector mostly because bas things have been happening in your neighborhood. You saw a Stoutland, Arcanine, Mightyena and maybe one or two Rockruffs but the one you saw that you knew would protect you was one Houndoom you saw in the back. You couldn't see or tell whether or not he or she had a bold or serious nature maybe it was a timid nature.

"That Houndoom seems like it would be loyal and protect me with all its life or maybe it could be a lapdog... either one would be fine with me" you shrugged nonchalantly.

"He doesn't really socialize around the other Pokemon or with the humans." The caregiver started "But you can see if he'll take a liking to you" they finished.

"Alright..." you said unsure now.

Slowly you walked up to the Houndoom and crouched down to get eye level with him.

"Hi fella... My names (Y/n)... and I wanted to see if you want to go home with and protect me" you said showing him your hand and let him sniff it hoping he'd let you pet him. He nudged your hand with his head and let you pet him; this surprised you, the caregiver and your friend.

"Doom Houndoom" the Houndoom said standing up from his sitting position and led you back to your friend and the caregiver; both were amazed at what just happened.

"Well, Houndoom this is home... The neighborhood has gotten a bit chaotic lately so I feel I need a bit more protection as well as a companion" you confessed as you both entered the home. As soon as the door closed you noticed Houndoom walk in front you and you watched as a mist surrounded him; what replaced the Pokémon was a man.

"I'll protected you but only because you sparked some kind of interest in me" he spoke in a husky voice that made you blush. He had black hair and horns like what he had in his Pokémon form lay on the side of his head; he wore a uniform like one an anime security guard or policemen would wear even the hat. What really shook you was his red eyes and tail that swayed from side to side.

"Yo-you can turn into a human?!" you exclaimed pointing at him your knees shaking. Suddenly your knees and legs gave out and Houndoom rushed forward and caught you.

"Geez (Y/n)... yes I can turn human" he said leading you towards the couch "Here sit down... I can see that you 're going to be a handful to protect" he muttered the last part to where you didn't hear.

"What did you say?" you asked innocently.

"Nothing (Y/n) I said nothing" he sighed checking you over to make sure you were alright.

"What should I call you now?" you asked curiously.

"Houndoom is still fine" he said. "It's getting late lets have dinner" he offered his hand to which you took and headed towards the kitchen.

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