Chapter Seven

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Korra's POV

It was dark at first. Pitch black. Then there was a sign of light. The tiniest flicker in the distance. Then the light got brighter and brighter than I had to shield my eyes.

When I opened them, I was back in Japan. Well, not exact Japan. I was on a patch of land. Asami's favourite oak tree was in front of me with its truck starting to show signs of rot from the roots almost reaching its grand trunk. It was dying. But it wasn't the only thing dying. So was the patch of land. My breath hitched in my throat. I suddenly struggled to breathe.

Then there she was. Standing in a pure white dress, she stood to wait for me in front of the dying tree. I smiled.

"Asami!" I walked towards her. "Asami!" No response.

It was like she couldn't hear me. I jogged, then sprinted, but I wasn't getting any nearer to her. Then I realised. I wasn't moving.

"Asami!" She began to turn towards me.

"I'm sorry, Korra." She mumbled, almost inaudible.

"What do you mean?" I tried to ask, but somehow it was like I heard myself say the words, but they never left my mouth. I could feel myself moving my lips but no words came out.

She began to leave and I tried to follow, but still, my feet refused to budge. She was leaving me and I couldn't do anything about it. I started to sweat, my hands began to shake. I screamed.

I jolted awake. Panting and drenched in sweat. I looked around but she wasn't with me. I was alone.

I reached for my phone and called Asami.


"Asami, where are you?" I asked, not bothering with the formalities of a phone call.

"In my apartment." She paused. "Babe, are you alright?"

"Can you come over?" I asked clutching my shirt. I didn't want her to refuse.

"Yeah, I'm on my way."

Fifteen minutes later, Asami stood at the front of my door as I opened it for her. She stood there in her skinny jeans and a simple top, complimenting the humid air that had been circulating New York on mornings for the past few days. She stood there and when she looked at me, she embraced me tightly, probably as she saw my appearance.

"What happened?" She asked as she led me to the couch, not neglecting to kick the door shut.

"I had an attack," I told her solemnly as she came back from the kitchen after fixing me a cup of coffee. The aroma calmed me down a little but not as quickly as Asami always does when she simply looks at me or smiles at me.

She waited for me to set the cup on the table, before reaching for my hand.

"I should've been here," I told her everything that happened. She listened intently. Her eyes never leaving mine.

She reached for my face and cradled it against her palm. I kissed her hand softly, holding it against mine.

"I love you, Korra. Always and forever." She kissed my lips gently, the taste of her, that I loved more than anything lingered like a scent so intoxicating that it burned. I longed for her, and I wanted to drown myself in her love. So did she. Before we both knew it, we were whispering sweet nothing into each others' ears as our hands found each other's treasures. We made love that morning and we were content, happy.

Hours later, we parted ways to function as adults in the real world. I went to work at the aquarium, while Asami went to her office. It was Saturday, so naturally, there were large crowds at the aquarium. I was feeding the dolphins to prepare them for their next show, but my mind was occupied. I couldn't stop thinking about Asami. I thought about the taste of her lips, how her eyes seemed to glow whenever she was with me, and my profound love for her. I was in bliss.

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