Chapter Two

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Asami's POV

The incessant ringing of an alarm clock tore through my consciousness, instantly forcing my eyelids to open. I twisted to reach for my phone on the bedside table, as Korra groaned beside me. I squinted my eyes and saw that it was set for 8 am. It rang an hour too early. 

I stretched and turned my body towards Korra, who was yawning and rubbing her eyes. 

"Sorry I woke you up." 

She smiled groggily. "It's okay. I have to get up early anyway." She stretched her arms above her head.

"Early class?"

"Yep." She confirmed, as she slowly sat up on the bed. She ruffled her hair, making a few strands on the back stand up and poke out in different directions. She developed that habit over the two and a half years when she arrived in New York. It was adorable. 

She turned around towards me and kissed the corner of my mouth. 

"I'll make us some coffee." She said as she climbed out of the bed. I observed quietly as she waddled towards the bedroom door.

I was about to propel myself out of bed when my phone started vibrating again. I picked it up and my father's caller ID flashed on the screen.

A flash of panic came over me. Does he know? I thought to myself anxiously, as I paced across the room. If it would come to that, I've already rehearsed an answer so many times, that I could say it in a heartbeat, but I still found myself shaking.

I took a deep breath.

"Hello, Father," I answered, my voice remaining monotonous.

"Asami," He replied. I could hear the rustling of paper on the other side. Judging from the lack of any other aural queues, I assumed that he was probably at his home office.

"How have you been, Father?" I asked. I knew he didn't particularly like it when I tried to make small talk, but I wanted to lighten up his mood. Frankly speaking, I didn't want him to remind me of his arrangement. One that I wanted no part of.

"Skip the formalities, Asami," He said frankly.

I cleared my throat nervously.

"Meet me for dinner tonight. We need to talk."


"You seem quite distracted today, Ms Sato." Mr Han, my employer commented.

Mr Han was the head architecture of a large company. He happens to be good friends with my mentor, Mr Jameson who taught me all that I know about architecture. With Mr Jameson's help, Mr Han took me under his wing. 

"Sorry, sir." I bowed apologetically. 

"Do you need some air? I can wrap things up here." He suggested. He was currently hovering over the model for his next project of an apartment complex. He stroked his chin, in thought as he squinted at the model.

"I'm alright sir," I told him. 

 He turned towards me and frowned. 

"Asami, you've been working for me for almost a year now. You've proven yourself. Go take an early break." He said as he smiled. 

I smiled appreciatively. "Thank you, sir."

I gathered my things and headed out of his office. Since it was close to the end of the autumn season, everyone was busy with closing up their respective deals. The interns were given individual projects to work on to demonstrate what they learned while working for the company, so most of them were a little on edge. The deadline also fell on the same week of the Annual Charity Ball that the company would organize to help communities that are less fortunate but have the potential for redevelopment. 

Undeniable Bond(Sequel) - KorrAsami FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant