Chapter Three

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Understanding the concept of time can be a little confusing. Like how the clock hand ticks normally for everyone can feel like a lifetime to someone else. Or how every minute goes, we get older. 

Time had been in constant shifts for me. When Asami left Japan, time was slow. Excruciatingly slow. Every minute, I found it hard to breathe and every hour, I found it torturous to live. There was no one else that felt the same and no one dared to tell me to move on. They just knew that the silent comfort was enough.

When I got back on my feet, time resumed again, but it felt like a marathon. I speeded my way through graduation, moving out, getting by on my own and eventually finding Asami again.

I had no time to catch my breath. Frankly, I was thankful for that.

But now, I still feel like time has slowed down again.

This time, for Asami.

"Asami, what's wrong?" I asked her as we sat next facing each other on the field within the campus. She had been eating an apple, but I'd noticed her mind was completely somewhere else.

"Nothing." She said as she smiled wearily at me. She took another bite of her apple and brought her attention back to me.

"How were your classes?" She asked randomly, trying to avoid any more questions. I was about to tell her to stop evading when I saw a pleading look in her eyes. 

I let out an audible sigh.

"Not much progress." I shrugged. "I mean we've been going over the same topic for two days now. It just seems like the curriculum back home are taught at a faster pace." I took a bite out of my sandwich. "It's taking a while to get used to."

"You will eventually." She answered abruptly.

The action seemed aggressive. Like she was angry at something. At someone.

"Asami, please tell me what's wrong." I pleaded. She stayed silent, not once looking at my direction as she ate her apple.

I scooted closer to her and brought her face closer to me. Forcing her to look at me. Her eyes widened and she darted her eyes all around.

"Korra, what are you doing?" She panicked. "What if someone sees us."

"I don't care," I said as I stroked a strand of hair away from her eyes.

"You're all I care about. Right here. Right now." I smiled. Then I kissed her softly. The kiss was meant to last no longer than a second. But when it comes to someone you truly love, that's easier said than done. I struggled to come up for air and she bit her lower lip in frustration.

"Now will you tell me what's wrong."

She sighed and straightened up. She faced me and rubbed her hands anxiously.

"I met up with my father last night." She confessed.

A pang of anxiety hit me. Did he find out about us?

So many crazy thoughts popped into my mind with just a single sentence. Asami noticed how I was starting to panic.

"Don't worry. He doesn't know you're here." She said. "At least I hope not." She whispered.

"But he did mention our arrangement." She kept her head down as she played with her thumbs. She didn't look at me. Probably because she doesn't know how I'll react.

"About that guy?" I asked, a little frustrated.

"Yeah.." Her words faded with the exhaustion at the constant anxiety and stress her father has been putting her through. Since we found each other, we found comfort in how we were together, but whenever there was a mention of her father, or if any news came from him, Asami would become silent. She'd keep to herself, in the solitude of her thoughts. It was never a good sign, and it only began when she left Japan. When she had to leave me. 

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