Chapter One

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Korra's POV

"Hi," A girl with golden blonde hair approached me suddenly. She was quite tall and beautiful. She smiled endearingly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hello," I answered her. She shifted her stance and fiddled with her hands. She looked nervous.

She gazed up at me slowly "I just wanted to say... you're really pretty." She complimented, her cheeks tinted with red.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"I was wondering if I could have your number... and we could go out sometime?" She asked, smiling sheepishly but at the same time, not making eye contact with me.

"Oh that's sweet," I hesitated. "But I have a girlfriend."

Not a second later, Asami sauntered towards us. She wore a sleeveless shirt and ripped jeans. Her hair swayed side to side in the rhythm of her hips. She smirked teasingly and waved towards me. She stopped in front of me, and I waved goodbye to my admirer as she did the same, but rather with an aura of defeat.

I approached Asami and we embraced tightly. Her cherry blossom scent overpowered me with a sense of comfort and home. She then grabbed my chin, in order for me to gaze at her. She smiled sweetly, turned her head back and forth, before kissing me gently, with just enough passion to keep ourselves on our feet.

"Hey, babe." She said huskily.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Who were you talking to?" She asked as she turned around to find the girl walking away in defeat.

"She tried to ask me out," I told her.

"Oh, really?" She smiled teasingly. She laughed and kissed my hand. Then she intertwined her fingers with mine.

"Did you tell her about me?" She asked curiously.

I tiptoed and leaned closer to her ear. "Yes, and she was quite jealous," I whispered making her laugh. I giggled and she smiled widely, showing her adorable dimples.

We walked together through the end of the somewhat empty corridor before heading towards the university cafeteria for lunch.

After Asami left 4 years ago, I kept going and graduated in the last remaining years of high school. I graduated with high honours and applied for NYU.

When she left, I was devasted. It felt like someone jammed their hand into my chest and ripped out half of my heart. I found it difficult to move on with life. It was my mother that gave me the strength to keep going, which was quite confusing at first since she once hated me. But after a while, we found a way to co-exist and I was finally able to forgive her. It wasn't easy and it was unstable at first, but she reminded me every day that whatever I did at the present would eventually lead me to tomorrow. My metaphorical tomorrow was Asami. I knew she was my future.

So I worked hard to graduate and once I got my scholarship, I headed to New York.

But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Once I arrived in New York, I barely had any money to support my living expenses. I didn't have to worry about paying for my education, but I had to shift between places for work. There was a time that I had to live off of cereal for a while. 

But once I started working at the New York Aquarium that my professor recommended me to, I finally found it easier to stand on my feet. I go to work with animals in a profession that I see myself being in.

Finally, I began my search for Asami. It wasn't easy though. I mean it took a lot of asking and ringing different numbers from the phone directory until I found her.

Undeniable Bond(Sequel) - KorrAsami FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя