Chapter 21

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When Bumblebee realized Silence fell into recharge he noticed a little puddle of Energon dripping from his digits. It was Ratchet's Energon that got stuck under Silence's digit plates. Bumblebee heard from Wheeljack the surgery went well but Silence seemed to be exhausted by that. He had to be very stressed because he did surgery just a few times and after the last surgery he never wanted to do surgery again. That time he tried to save them but the bot died under his servos and that crushed him.

Bumblebee smiled at the bigger bot who had his servo wrapped around him as if he wanted to protect him. *I am safe with you and I know it.* Bumblebee thought and leaned more to Silence who leaned onto him as well. Children decided to watch Big Hero 6 so they were busy watching it and they hadn't noticed both Autobots fell into a recharge behind them. But they soon fell asleep as well. All of them except Miko who had to take a photo of both bots recharging after she noticed them. Silence had his serious and dangerous expression saying to anyone he was always ready to protect the smaller bot and Bumblebee on the other hand had a peaceful and calm expression on his face plates as he lay on Silence's chassis' side.

Miko took almost a thousand photos of them just to be sure at least one of them won't be blurred it seemed so cute to her. And before she fell asleep she saw Silence open his optics and look around before falling back into a recharge. It was like he was reassuring himself that they all were safe. Miko smiled widely and fell asleep under her black and purple blanket.

In the middle of the night, Silence woke up to a strange noise. It didn't need to be loud to wake him it could be just a step of one of his teammates even children's footsteps would wake him up in no time. He looked around his optics' light lit up the places where he was looking so he wasn't worried about the absence of light. After a while, he realized there is nothing to be worried about and closed his optics again. But a second after he started to fall back into a recharge the noise echoed into his audio receptors again.

He carefully laid Bumblebee on the ground trying not to wake him and then quietly left the room to find the source of the noise. He walked around his teammates' rooms to make sure it wasn't one of them. When he was completely sure it wasn't anyone of them he went to the rooms where his brother and medic were.

He was relieved when he found his brother in peaceful recharge. Then he went to the medic's room but he was also in recharge. Silence, just to be sure, checked on him. But found nothing unusual and left the room again. He went to the bridge and heard the noise again now he thought about what or who that could be. He walked as quietly as he could until he came to the bridge and saw a tall silhouette standing by the entrance to the ship with its back to the Wrecker.

Silence transformed one of his servos into a blaster and stepped out of the shadows. „Hey!" he called firmly. The stranger didn't turn to him. Silence made a step closer. „Who are you? What are you doing here?!" he asked a bit nervous. Suddenly the shape of the figure became way too much familiar. „Hey! I am talking to you!" Silence hissed impatiently. The massive silhouette shook like Megatron always did when he laughed. Silence felt chills going all over his body when he heard his sinister voice. „You've lost everything." „What do you mean?" Silence asked confused. Megatron's silhouette turned to him and he attacked Silence who wanted to dodge but was too close to the Decepticon who stabbed him right in his spark.

Silence gasped and felt himself fading slowly. He looked with wide optics into Megatron's blood-red optics. „You've lost everything." the villain repeated. Silence just stared at him not able to talk. Megatron turned his helm to the left side where he saw Soundwave who held a helm in his left servo. No, it was not just a helm. It was Smokescreen's helm. Then he turned to the right where was Knockout with Ratchet's helm. „You've lost everything," Megatron repeated as the drips of coolant started to break their way from Silence's optics.

„You let us kill them," Knockout said and threw the medic's helm to the ground. „When will you kill another to your close Autobot," Starscream smirked evilly and walked behind Megatron holding in one hand Bumblebee's helm and in other three dead children's bodies. Silence felt so much pain going through him not only physically but mentally as well. He wasn't good enough to save his friends and his family. Then Megatron pressed more on his sword...

„NO!" Silence yelled as he jumped to his peds with the speed of light. He panted heavily and checked his chest plates. No stab wound and no Energon. He realized he is still in the room where he fell into a recharge last night with... Bumblebee and three children. But they all were gone now.

Silence rushed through the corridor to the bridge and saw everyone except Smokescreen there. Ratchet was there obviously in better shape than yesterday. Silence came slowly to him. The medic looked at him and was about to say something but when he saw his scared optics his expression changed. „Silence is something wrong?" he asked getting the attention of the other Autobots. Silence stared at the medic for a while. The medic could see fear and concern in the bigger bot's optics. „Did something happen?" Ratchet asked. Silence shook his head and looked over to Bumblebee and the three children each on their guardian's shoulder plates except for Jack who was standing next to Arcee's ped. They were alive.

„N-No I... I am alright." Silence said and left the room and went to Smokescreen's room to be sure he is alive as well. He was in hurry. He was afraid of the worst. The doors opened and he saw Smokescreen lying on the berth with his helm in its place. Golden Autobot came closer to his brother and made sure his helm was one part of the body. „You're alive too." Silence sighed in relief. „Was that just a nightmare?" he asked himself and looked once again at his brother. He gently shook him to see his reaction. Smokescreen moved slightly and groaned quietly before his optics opened. Silence almost started to cry but instead of that, he grabbed his helm in both his servos. „You're alive," he said. Smokescreen looked slightly confused. „Why wouldn't I be?" he asked and slowly sat up. Silence shook his helm. „Nothing brother. I am happy you're up." the older bot replied and hugged his brother.

„Silence?" came a worried voice of his leader from behind. He let go of Smokescreen and looked at him. „Yes, Optimus?" he replied showing that he was listening. „What happened?" Prime simply asked. Silence remembered the nightmare. „I... I am afraid cons know our location I... I saw you die..." he stopped and his optics widened again in fear. Optimus put a servo on his shoulder plate. „Silence, it was only a nightmare. If Decepticons know our location they would already attack. Megatron wouldn't let that opportunity pass." the leader said to calm down the agitated Autobot. Silence nodded he knew this too but the dream scared him more than he could ever imagine. „Just a stupid nightmare," he said smiling softly at his leader who nodded. „We are well secured. You do not need to worry." 

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