Chapter 11

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The surgery took almost three human hours until Ratchet's helm turned to Arcee who was helping with supplies. „There is nothing else I can do," he said and Arcee nodded. Ratchet managed to repair the crack on the glass cover of the young rookie's spark and he managed to drain away almost every drip of Energon leaked in his body.

„We have to give him the plasma he will need it to recover properly," Ratchet said when he cleaned up his servos from Energon and any other liquid he came to contact with the surgery. Arcee nodded and handed him the plasma. The old medic put the IV into Smokescreen's left servo and sighed. „Now we should let him rest. But let the monitor go," he said and they both left the room.

„How is he?" Optimus asked as they both returned to the bridge. „Only time will tell, Optimus. I managed to repair everything I could but now we have to wait." Ratchet replied. „Where are the others?" Arcee asked when she saw no one else on the bridge. „An hour ago Silence woke up and he left the base for a walk. Bumblebee went with him and Wheeljack with Bulkhead decided to go to the patrol around this place just in case and they took children with them." Prime explained. Arcee and Ratchet just nodded but said nothing. Ratchet went to the computers trying to do something he always does when he has nothing else to do, inventing.

„Don't you think it would be good to contact agent Fowler? Families of the children are surely worried." Arcee pointed out. Optimus turned to her. „You are correct but we can't risk Decepticons finding us, not now," he said. Arcee nodded. „I understand," she said before she left the bridge. „I will go to see Smokescreen," Optimus said and left.

Optimus slowly opened the doors to the room where Smokescreen was. The light was a bit dimmed in case he woke up. Autobot leader stood above his youngest team member with sadness showing on his face plates. Primes usually don't show their emotions but now it was not time for the Prime stern expression. He felt horrible he failed him and Silence. He failed as leader he failed as Prime. The pain his team members suffered was on his chest like a giant boulder crushing him with guilt. „I am so sorry, Smokescreen," he said and put one of his giant palms on Smokescreen's helm. He suddenly felt a small move with it. He took away his palm and saw Smokescreen's helm turn slowly to him with his optics still closed but his face plates showed pain he felt still in stasis.

Optimus decided to leave him alone for the rest he requires. As he came back to the bridge he asked Ratchet who was standing by scanners. „Can you contact agent Fowler?" the old medic sighed. „If you wish it."

A call between Autobot leader, medic and agent Fowler was about everything they went through in the last week. Optimus and Ratchet were both glad they evacuated Jasper and agent Fowler covered them when families of three children asked about them. They were happy to hear the Decepticons hadn't hurt anyone and after they found their base empty they left the U.S. army has a tracker on the Nemesis so they know where they are. „And where are you?" Fowler asked. „I am sending you our coordinates. And be careful on your way here, decepticons have their spy who is presenting himself as an Autobot." Ratchet said trying to avoid another conflict with Supreme. 

Fowler just nodded and ended the call. „This guy takes his job way too seriously." Ratchet sighed. „He's just afraid of his people, Ratchet," Optimus replied looking at his friend. Ratchet sighed again. „I know, I know." was all he said before he fell silent.

Bumblebee walked next to Silence in total silence before his friend broke it. „What are you thinking about, Bee?" Bumblebee jumped a bit he didn't expect Silence to speak. *Uhm... nothing.* scout replied. „Bee, I can see something is bothering you, then you can tell me." Silence said sternly. Bumblebee sighed. *It's just... If I didn't let Smokes get hurt back there on Nemesis this probably wouldn't happen. If I...If I was stronger back there if I wasn't so weak none of this would happen.* Bumblebee honestly explained. Silence stopped and Bumblebee stopped a while after him. Silence grabbed him by his shoulder plates. „Bumblebee, listen to me, okay?" he started. „None of this is your fault. It would happen if you did otherwise. And... I went after Supreme. It was me who almost let Smokescreen die. And if he dies I won't forgive myself for the rest of my miserable life." Silence said as always he spoke into his friend's spark.

Bumblebee nodded. *So, no more guilt for any of us?* he asked. Silence smiled and hugged his friend. „Yes, no more guilt," he said hugging Bumblebee closer. *Thank you, Silence.* Bumblebee replied. „There is nothing to thank me for," Silence said and let go of Bumblebee. „well, let's get going," Silence added and started walking along. *And where are we going anyway?* Bumblebee asked when he caught up with Silence. „I don't know. I just wanted to take in some fresh air," Silence said sadly in the last sentence. Bumblebee knew what he was thinking about. „why did you all lie to me? I trusted you all... I never thought you would lie to me. You should've told me... Everything would be better than lies!" Silence suddenly yelled making Bumblebee back off away from him. They all felt terrible for those lies. Silence turned to Bumblebee.

„I hoped at least you and Smokes would be honest to me. At least you two. But I was wrong." he said and left Bumblebee alone in the forest.

Silence got to the river and sat on its edge his optics were filled with coolant that started to fall out of them. His spark was broken and he felt betrayed he wasn't thinking about that until now. His mind was racing and flashing memories about his friends' lies filled his processor. Coolant in optics blinded him entirely and a little puddle of it appeared on rocks under him. He pressed his knee plates to his chassis and wrapped his servos around them and leaned his helm on them. The streaming river made Silence feel a bit calmer. It was like the clear water below him took all of his bad feelings and memories away. „He should've killed me," he said quietly and cleared his optics from the coolant. „Smokes is just a kid. And they just tried to protect me from him and from myself. They just wanted to protect me..."

He started to think about what Supreme told him about their creators and their connection to the Decepticons. „I was created to be a Decepticon," he told to himself. „but I've chosen to be an Autobot and I won't follow my creators' and my brother's tracks. No one will tell me what I can be. I will take care of that Decepticon myself. He is not my brother anymore. My only brother is hurt because of me and I promise Primus I will finish it with Supreme myself and nothing will stop me. For everything, I even believed in everyone I love. Supreme will die soon I will take care of it." 

Silence of BrotherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora